SphereServer BugTracker - SphereServer
View Issue Details
0000001SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic10-07-08 01:1513-07-08 01:06
normalcrashhave not tried
20-09-2009, 0.56b Prerelease 
Command_Sysmsgs, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix
0000001: Sphere crashes with Experimental Flag UseNetworkMulti
Sphere crashes with Experimental Flag UseNetworkMulti when a lot of data has to be transferd. To reproduce I go to the region on our server where logged out chars are parked and toggle allshow command a few (3-5) times.
Sphere spams messages to console and crashes. See screenshot.
No tags attached.
jpg crash.JPG (326,043) 10-07-08 01:15
Issue History
10-07-08 01:15IncanusNew Issue
10-07-08 01:15IncanusFile Added: crash.JPG
10-07-08 01:15IncanusNightly Version => 08-02-2008
10-07-08 01:15IncanusExperimental Flags => UseNetworkMulti
10-07-08 01:15IncanusOption Flags => Command_Sysmsgs, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix
12-07-08 22:24BeyonderStatusnew => assigned
12-07-08 22:24BeyonderAssigned To => Beyonder
12-07-08 22:25BeyonderStatusassigned => resolved
12-07-08 22:25BeyonderFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
12-07-08 22:25BeyonderResolutionopen => fixed
12-07-08 22:38BeyonderStatusresolved => assigned
13-07-08 01:06BeyonderStatusassigned => resolved

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