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0001469SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic24-07-08 13:1419-04-09 04:42
20-09-2009, 0.56b Prerelease 
0001469: House customize problem with water tiles
When some water tile is used on customization, the floor tile under the water tile will be removed when commit the design. No problem on 1st floor, but can cause some problem if water tiles has used on 2nd and 3rd floor, because the tile under the water tile will get removed on commit and ppl will fall if walk over the water.
To fix: the tile under the water tile must not be removed on house commit (OSI uses this method too).
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jpg water.JPG (11,890) 24-07-08 13:14
Issue History
24-07-08 13:14CorujaNew Issue
24-07-08 13:14CorujaFile Added: water.JPG
24-07-08 13:14CorujaNightly Version => 08-02-2008
24-07-08 13:14CorujaExperimental Flags => None
24-07-08 13:14CorujaOption Flags => None
24-07-08 13:18CorujaNote Added: 0000023
19-04-09 04:42MrSugarCubeNightly Version08-02-2008 => 09-09-2008
19-04-09 04:42MrSugarCubeStatusnew => resolved
19-04-09 04:42MrSugarCubeFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
19-04-09 04:42MrSugarCubeResolutionopen => fixed
19-04-09 04:42MrSugarCubeAssigned To => MrSugarCube
19-04-09 04:42MrSugarCubeNote Added: 0000189

24-07-08 13:18   
Oh, and teleporters remove the tile too. But with teleporters ppl not fall walking over..
19-04-09 04:42   
For some reason the i_waterfall_low ITEMDEF has an incorrect HEIGHT=0 line in the script pack. If you change this to HEIGHT=3 then these waterfall pieces should no longer replace the floor tiles.

(you can apply a similar setting to the teleporter items too if you do not wish for these to replace the floor tiles, however this is not necessary so I have not changed this in the script pack)