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0001487SphereServerscript packpublic11-08-08 23:4012-08-08 00:52
closedwon't fix 
New_Triggers, Intrinsic_Locals, NPCAct_Triggers
None, Command_Sysmsgs, FileCommands, Flood_Protection, NoPrefix
0001487: command action in sphere_backward_compatibility [FUNCTION npccast]
the command

will give a error in the console when you use the function

20:55:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
20:55:DEBUG:>> 0 | CWorld::OnTick | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 1 | CSector::OnTick | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 2 | CChar::OnTick | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 3 | CChar::NPC_OnTickAction | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 4 | CChar::NPC_Act_Idle | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 5 | CChar::NPC_LookAround | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 6 | CChar::NPC_LookAtChar | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 7 | CChar::NPC_LookAtCharMonster | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 8 | CChar::Fight_Attack | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>> 9 | CChar::Skill_Start | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>10 | CChar::Skill_OnTrigger | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>11 | CChar::OnTrigger | +0 .
20:55:DEBUG:>>1926 | CChar::r_LoadVal | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
20:55:DEBUG:>>1927 | CChar::Skill_Start | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1928 | CChar::Skill_Fail | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1929 | CChar::Skill_Stage | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1930 | CChar::Skill_Magery | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1931 | CChar::Spell_CastFail | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1932 | CObjBase::Effect | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1933 | CClient::CanSee | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1934 | CChar::CanSee | +0
20:55:DEBUG:>>1935 | CPointBase::GetDist | +0
20:55:CRITICAL:(sphere_backward_compatibility.scp,176)Error Pri=2, Code=-1073741571, Desc='Exception', in CChar::LoadVal() #0 ""
20:55:DEBUG:command 'ACTION' args '019'

have to comment it out this line and the functions works
No tags attached.
Issue History
11-08-08 23:40daskNew Issue
11-08-08 23:40daskNightly Version => 08-02-2008
11-08-08 23:40daskExperimental Flags => New_Triggers, Intrinsic_Locals, NPCAct_Triggers
11-08-08 23:40daskOption Flags => None, Command_Sysmsgs, FileCommands, Flood_Protection, NoPrefix
12-08-08 00:52MrSugarCubeStatusnew => closed
12-08-08 00:52MrSugarCubeNote Added: 0000059
12-08-08 00:52MrSugarCubeResolutionopen => won't fix

12-08-08 00:52   
The ACTION line is necessary -- you're telling the character to cast a spell remember? This requires using a skill. :P

It looks like what you've done is call the function under a trigger like @SkillStart, and I would hope it should be clear what could go wrong with attempting to start a new skill in such a place. ;)