SphereServer BugTracker - SphereServer
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0001509SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic03-09-08 11:2321-09-12 00:11
0.56c Nightly 
New_Triggers, Size_Optimise, DamageTools, NPCAct_Triggers
Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, NoItemNaming, NoHouseMuteSpeech, NoPrefix, DyeType
0001509: Blood with timer -1
Blood, created during carving a body of a player char (or nonplayer human char), has timer -1, so it never disappear, if not deleted manually. The blood it is all about, has DispIDDec 7409.
No tags attached.
Issue History
03-09-08 11:23dzhonyNew Issue
03-09-08 11:23dzhonyNightly Version => 08-02-2008
03-09-08 11:23dzhonyExperimental Flags => New_Triggers, Size_Optimise, DamageTools, NPCAct_Triggers
03-09-08 11:23dzhonyOption Flags => Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, NoItemNaming, NoHouseMuteSpeech, NoPrefix, DyeType
03-09-08 11:41nazghulNote Added: 0000082
28-10-10 16:32MirravinNote Added: 0000735
21-09-12 00:11TerrikateStatusnew => resolved
21-09-12 00:11TerrikateFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
21-09-12 00:11TerrikateResolutionopen => fixed
21-09-12 00:11TerrikateAssigned To => Terrikate

03-09-08 11:41   
this was already reported on the old bugtracker.

Funny enough, the server _should_ set the timer correctly. The code does _not_ support setting it to -1 - at least I was unable to find any reason for it (nevertheless, it's reproducable - sometimes!)

I guess we're stuck to a workaround (sth like "@create timerf 1,timer=5" or sth.)
28-10-10 16:32   
It seems, that this can be market as fixed.