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0001559SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic14-12-08 02:3623-11-14 15:42
0.56c Nightly 
0001559: Ship/Boat turn
When some ship get turned, all ship parts are created again (on newest boat position). And this will create some problems if someone want use a custom boat system that store info on the tillerman. On the ship multi I can't use timers, because it goes to 0 on every ship moviment. So I think that it's better just change ship parts dispid instead of remove the old item to create a new one.
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Issue History
14-12-08 02:36CorujaNew Issue
14-12-08 02:36CorujaNightly Version => 09-09-2008
14-12-08 02:36CorujaExperimental Flags => None
14-12-08 02:36CorujaOption Flags => None
18-01-14 18:25BenNote Added: 0001920
18-01-14 18:25BenStatusnew => closed
18-01-14 18:25BenAssigned To => Ben
18-01-14 18:25BenResolutionopen => not fixable
23-11-14 15:42BenNote Added: 0002573
23-11-14 15:42BenStatusclosed => resolved
23-11-14 15:42BenResolutionnot fixable => fixed
23-11-14 15:42BenFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly

18-01-14 18:25   
This can't be done without a complete overhaul of the internal ship system.
There are no way to associate the components of one direction with the ones of another, making it impossible to just modify the dispid.

To store info... store it on the ship item itself(UID of ship is the MORE1 of tillerman).
23-11-14 15:42   
I have spent some time to make this work.
Ship will now turn it's items and change their dispid instead of re-creating them.
This also allows for a smoother ship turn