SphereServer BugTracker - SphereServer
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0001869SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic20-12-10 04:3421-12-10 02:22
WindowsWindowsServer 2003
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
Command_Sysmsgs, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix
0001869: Sphere sends malformed ASCIIMessage (1C) Packet
When sending this packet Sphere truncates the "SourceName" to 30 characters, if it is longer than 30 characters. This leads to an client crash, because the last char of the name has to be a 0.
- Add an item.
- change its name to a name that's longer than 29 characters
- command .x.say Test
- target the item

-> your client crash immediately or after scrolling your journal
Tested with client 5.04b
No tags attached.
related to 0001691resolved MrSugarCube Strange problem with the journal 
Issue History
20-12-10 04:34IncanusNew Issue
20-12-10 16:34TerrikateIssue Monitored: Terrikate
21-12-10 02:10MrSugarCubeRelationship addedrelated to 0001691
21-12-10 02:22MrSugarCubeNote Added: 0000786
21-12-10 02:22MrSugarCubeStatusnew => resolved
21-12-10 02:22MrSugarCubeFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
21-12-10 02:22MrSugarCubeResolutionopen => fixed
21-12-10 02:22MrSugarCubeAssigned To => MrSugarCube

21-12-10 02:22   
Can't reproduce a client crash or freeze on the latest client version (like with issue 0001691 ), but I do see a display problem on the journal so have extended the fix to cover all message types.