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0001881SphereServernew feature requestpublic01-01-11 21:3909-01-11 23:31
normalminorhave not tried
0.56c Nightly 
Not Available
0001881: Enhanced Custom Triggers
Using custom triggers, on occasion I need both ARGN values and ARGO. I've been doing my work with VARs and TAGs but it'd be nice to be able to use multiple arg values. Usage could be like this:

trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_argn|tat_as_argo,ARGO,ARGN1,ARGN2,ARGN3

trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_argn|tat_as_argo|tat_as_args,ARGO,ARGN1,ARGN2,ARGN3,ARGS

trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_argn|tat_as_args,ARGN1,ARGN2,ARGN3,ARGS

trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_argo|tat_as_args,ARGO,ARGS

trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_argns,ARGN1,ARGN2,ARGN3
No tags attached.
Issue History
01-01-11 21:39jeemNew Issue
09-01-11 06:26ShiryuXNote Added: 0000820
09-01-11 07:19jeemNote Added: 0000821
09-01-11 18:39ShiryuXNote Added: 0000823
09-01-11 23:31ShiryuXNote Added: 0000824
09-01-11 23:31ShiryuXStatusnew => resolved
09-01-11 23:31ShiryuXFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
09-01-11 23:31ShiryuXResolutionopen => fixed
09-01-11 23:31ShiryuXAssigned To => ShiryuX

09-01-11 06:26   
I like the idea, since it's pretty useful, though, seems a little hard to implement, since we will need a special order for the arguments and I don't think everyone is gonna respect them. Also, I don't want to break backwards comp.
09-01-11 07:19   
We could have new trigger types for backward compability. Flags could start from 04 and we could keep the 3 types we already have.

Or, we could have a 4th type which will be called as tat_ar_allargs or something. Then the trigger will take all available arguments defined. Like this:
trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_allargs,ARGO,ARGN1,ARGN2,ARGN3,ARGS

If we don't need any one of the arguments, we could just live it empty or 0.
trigger @customtrigger,tat_as_allargs,0,25,4,0,empty

This way, all arguments will be defined in only one order.
09-01-11 18:39   
I like it, makes sense, ARGO, ARGNs, and if there are more arguments, ARGS.
TAT_AS_AUTO, TAT_AS_ALL or something :P
09-01-11 23:31   
- Added 0001881: TAT_AS_FULL trigger type to TRIGGER function to set ARGO, ARGN and ARGS.
  Example: TRIGGER @MyTest,<def.TAT_AS_FULL>,01,100,200,300,here,start,my,args
           will call @MyTest with ARGO.UID=01, ARGN1=100, ARGN2=200, ARGN3=300
           and ARGS=here,start,my,args (this supports ARGV[].)