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0001953SphereServernew feature requestpublic05-05-11 12:5501-11-14 22:59
20-09-2009, 0.56b Prerelease 
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
DiagonalWalkCheck, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, Script_Profiler, NetworkOutThread
Command_Sysmsgs, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, NoPrefix
0001953: @Fail does not trigger on spells if you cast another spell

While casting, lets say 55, if you cast Nightsight, the @Fail under spell 55 does not trigger, putting my code under "@Fail&Abort under Magery skill" solved the problem for me for now, but it is unnecessary cycle usage.

Here is the flags of 55:
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Issue History
05-05-11 12:55trinaxNew Issue
06-05-11 18:46jeemNote Added: 0001057
06-05-11 19:36trinaxNote Added: 0001058
12-05-11 03:39MrSugarCubeNote Added: 0001063
12-05-11 03:39MrSugarCubeSeverityminor => feature
12-05-11 03:39MrSugarCubeCategoryexecutable - linux build => new feature request
01-11-14 22:59BenNote Added: 0002538
01-11-14 22:59BenStatusnew => resolved
01-11-14 22:59BenFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
01-11-14 22:59BenResolutionopen => fixed
01-11-14 22:59BenAssigned To => Ben

06-05-11 18:46   
I think that makes sense. When you cast the second spell, you don't "fail" the spell. You abort it, because it is up to you to cancel or continue casting spell. If anything, this should be a request about @abort for spells. I assume we don't have that, right?
06-05-11 19:36   
Yep, I also noticed that but there isn't any abort trigger as you said.
12-05-11 03:39   
jeem is correct that your actions are causing the skill attempt to be aborted rather than failed.

I'll leave this issue open as a feature request for @Abort under spells.
01-11-14 22:59   
I see no reason to add another trigger here since @abort under magery and @skillabort on chars is triggered in spell aborts.

To help with this, I'm adding ARGN2 as the spell number in @abort and @skillabort if magery is in use.