SphereServer BugTracker - SphereServer
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0001972SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic12-06-11 10:2404-05-12 10:54
normalminorhave not tried
MicrosoftWindows2008 Server
20-09-2009, 0.56b Prerelease 
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
0001972: "Access Violation" (0xfc172bd), in CServer::Tick(
23:49:World save completed, took 1.5652 seconds
23:58:ERROR:MySQL query "update spadvencedinfo set isim='RedBuLL ImmortaL',fame='303',karma='-144',kills='379',deaths='262',killcount='238',gunlukkillsayisi='0',guild='ImmortaL Team' where uid='06cc5d'" failed due to "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"
23:58:DEBUG:__ thread (1540) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
23:58:DEBUG:>> 1540 | 0 | CServer::OnTick | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
23:58:DEBUG:>> 1540 | 1 | ProfileData::Start | +0
23:58:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0xfc172bd), in CServer::Tick() #4 "generic"
23:58:ERROR:56:Bad Login 9 (The account details entered are invalid (username or password is too short, too long or contains invalid characters). This can sometimes be caused by incorrect/missing encryption keys)
23:59:ERROR:5b:Bad Login 3 (The password entered is not correct)
Did not look like the old MySQL problem so I reported.
No tags attached.
related to 0001955resolved MrSugarCube *** glibc detected *** ./spheresvrr: double free or corruption (out): 0xb4c97828 *** 
Issue History
12-06-11 10:24trinaxNew Issue
12-06-11 10:24trinaxIssue Monitored: trinax
12-06-11 10:24trinaxIssue End Monitor: trinax
12-06-11 13:11MrSugarCubeRelationship addedrelated to 0001955
12-06-11 13:13MrSugarCubeNote Added: 0001108
04-05-12 10:54torfoNote Added: 0001314
04-05-12 10:54torfoStatusnew => resolved
04-05-12 10:54torfoFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
04-05-12 10:54torfoResolutionopen => fixed
04-05-12 10:54torfoAssigned To => MrSugarCube

12-06-11 13:13   
I suspect this might be the same problem (I saw a similar error to this when I tried closing the connection during AQUERY/AEXECUTE) as 0001955.

Please let me know if it still appears after the next automated build.
04-05-12 10:54   
Seems to be fixed as the reporter did not reply.