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0002025SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic02-09-11 02:4602-09-11 20:13
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
0002025: SPELLFLAG_Scripted creates magic gold coin in the backpack
When someone is affected by a spell that has the SPELLFLAG_SCRIPTED ,
that PG/NPC will get a magic gold coin (Attr : 026) inside it's backpack.
This magic gold coin have a timer value of 0 and i think they should decay (but they don't ), for the rest spellflag_scripted,spellflag_area,spellflag_field
works perfectly :)

I found this with :
-only the spellflag_scripted,it creates a magic gold coin on the pg/npc backpack
-spellflag_scripted and spellflag_field , everytime someone steps on the field
 a magic gold coin appear.
-spellflag_scripted and spellflag_area , everyone in the radius get a magic
gold coin.
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Issue History
02-09-11 02:46darksun84New Issue
02-09-11 02:54darksun84Note Added: 0001233
02-09-11 05:50ShiryuXNote Added: 0001234
02-09-11 20:13ShiryuXStatusnew => resolved
02-09-11 20:13ShiryuXFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
02-09-11 20:13ShiryuXResolutionopen => fixed
02-09-11 20:13ShiryuXAssigned To => ShiryuX

02-09-11 02:54   
Actually , if you add return 1 in to the @Effect trigger of the relative spell , the problem doesn't appear but still..:P!
02-09-11 05:50   
The gold coin is supposed to be the RUNE, which holds the effect.
Anyway, in case we use a SPELLFLAG_SCRIPTED spell I could just put 'Take damage' instead of 'Spell create effect' on the target. In this moment we use an easy check: If Duration use Rune, If not use InstaDamage.