SphereServer BugTracker - SphereServer
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0002106SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic23-10-12 18:4511-11-12 22:27
Windows Windows 2003 - 7 - xp
20-09-2009, 0.56b Prerelease 
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
0002106: MAGICF_STACKSTATS = 0x0000010 Do main threads problem!
First, sry for my english.

I was having problems with main thread everytime [everyday]
http://forum.spherecommunity.net/Thread-Still-have-Main-Threads-error-last-profiles [^]
And testing and testing, in this 4 mounts I have a conclussion. The MAGICF_STACKSTATS = 0x0000010 // Different stat spells don't cancel each other out in sphere.ini MAKES the MAIN THREAD problems. [Without it, not happends]

In the steps to reproduce I have the way to force it :)

This is a VERY very nasty bug, now we can't use the stackstats.

We use to test the NIGHTLY SCRIPTS and the last sphere rev, this happends before april (and using that nightlyscripts, and the last ones)
-Download last rev and sphereserver nightly scripts (the default, not the spherecommunity pack)
-Go to a closed area
-ADD the MagicFlag=010 in sphere.ini like: (MagicFlags=04|010|040) works too with only 010.
-Summon like 10 or 20 c_m_elem_poison [with 5 or 7 can happend too]
-Be uninvuled and let's them attacks you and cast weaken and others spells.
-Go invisibility and let them's attack between [with meteor swarm and others spells the NPC'S will auto attacks :P]
-The server will get freeze with a very, very, nasty, main thread :)

-Take off the 010 and works flawless, you can summon like 50000 elem and nothing :)
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Issue History
23-10-12 18:45lazarusNew Issue
23-10-12 19:31lazarusIssue Monitored: lazarus
23-10-12 21:30lazarusNote Added: 0001416
09-11-12 16:16babidiNote Added: 0001422
09-11-12 17:22babidiNote Added: 0001423
09-11-12 19:49lazarusNote Added: 0001424
11-11-12 22:27BenNote Added: 0001425
11-11-12 22:27BenStatusnew => resolved
11-11-12 22:27BenFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
11-11-12 22:27BenResolutionopen => fixed
11-11-12 22:27BenAssigned To => Ben

23-10-12 21:30   
this is in the LAST nightly and others :P

Just to clarify because i put: Product Version 20-09-2009, 0.56b Prerelease
09-11-12 16:16   
09-11-12 17:22   
as i solved this many time ago
as i remember: the problem is that stackstats on monsters if they curse one each other

i let active: 010

i solved this with an event on monsters that on spelleffect cancells last effect so it will not stack on them...

however the issue is still exists, that is only a workaround i found time ago
hope can help you
09-11-12 19:49   
I had fixed it too.

if argn1 = xx
if !<src.player>
return 1

This in a event of monsters
11-11-12 22:27   
Should be fixed in build 1551.
I had it under stress for a while and the server was able to handle it.