SphereServer BugTracker - SphereServer
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0002338SphereServerexecutable - linux buildpublic13-05-14 23:5726-05-14 00:50
resolvedno change required 
16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
Automated (specify build number)
DiagonalWalkCheck, WalkCheck
0002338: Can not harm with magic
(Build 1930)
Players can not harm each other with magic, physical damage can be applied. Even with GM Body magic has no effect but .kill command works.
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Issue History
13-05-14 23:57RobertNew Issue
14-05-14 11:27darksun84Note Added: 0002198
14-05-14 11:27darksun84Note Edited: 0002198bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0002198#r647
14-05-14 12:31RobertNote Added: 0002199
15-05-14 23:18RobertNote Added: 0002200
15-05-14 23:37RobertNote Edited: 0002200bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0002200#r649
15-05-14 23:54RobertNote Edited: 0002200bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0002200#r650
17-05-14 17:25RobertNote Added: 0002203
18-05-14 10:53XuNNote Added: 0002206
20-05-14 12:00RobertNote Added: 0002219
20-05-14 12:02RobertNote Edited: 0002219bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0002219#r656
20-05-14 14:09XuNNote Added: 0002220
20-05-14 15:22RobertNote Added: 0002221
26-05-14 00:50BenStatusnew => resolved
26-05-14 00:50BenResolutionopen => no change required
26-05-14 00:50BenAssigned To => Ben

14-05-14 11:27   
Spell damage works fine for me, i am using sphere 1930 revision too.

Make sure that you are not using an old version of sphere_spells.scp.

14-05-14 12:31   
With same scripts, windows build can harm but linux can not harm with magic.
15-05-14 23:18   
(edited on: 15-05-14 23:54)
Problem still exists, windows build runs perfect but linux no magical damage. Even linux preleases are (2013 and 2014) in same situation.

17-05-14 17:25   
-Fixed some casts giving warnings from linux log.
Still it's not possible to damage with magic.
18-05-14 10:53   
I need some more information, I don't see anything doing any difference between Windows and Linux in the code.

Are the spell's effects being shown? Sounds? is there anything that makes you think the spells are successfull but failing on aplying damage? Is this happening between players only? or players<->npcs have this problem too?

Have you tested with default (and I mean fully recently downloaded, only for test, and with no more scripts than the downloaded in the zip) script pack? Maybe something in your scripts is blocking them, even if they work in Windows if you track down the problem it will be easier for us to fix whatever is wrong , I can't fix if I don't know what is going wrong :)
20-05-14 12:00   
(edited on: 20-05-14 12:02)
Merging some defs from default scripts pack solved the issue but there weren't any warning or error in the console that makes it hard.

20-05-14 14:09   
Do you know exactly which defs were causing this to take note of?
20-05-14 15:22   
Don't know exactly which ones but it's from sphere_defs.scp then i need to add INTERRUPT definition to all spells to make it work.