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0002428SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic16-11-14 22:4606-12-14 23:36
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
0002428: Client not loading correctly huge multis
to prevent some conflict problems with latest 'ship movement speed' commits, I will report it here to someone take a look instead change it by myself and break something :P

if I login inside a huge multi (eg: 60x40 tiles), this range will be > 18 tiles (client default view sight, or VISUALRANGE sphere property) so the client will not show this multi until I step <= 18 tiles near this multi center. Strangely on previous builds before 'ship movement speed' build this was working fine

the same occour if I'm walking on open world and then a huge multi appears. The client will not display this multi until I walk <= 18 tiles from the multi center. GM=1 can keep walking until reach this distance, but GM=0 will get stuck into a invisible wall because the client can't see the multi
Testing on latest 2114 build (16 nov 2014) + client 5.0.2 (resdisp 5)
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Issue History
16-11-14 22:46CorujaNew Issue
17-11-14 13:01BenAssigned To => Ben
17-11-14 13:01BenStatusnew => assigned
17-11-14 13:02BenNote Added: 0002568
17-11-14 16:52XuNNote Added: 0002569
20-11-14 01:25BenNote Added: 0002570
20-11-14 02:43BenNote Added: 0002571
06-12-14 23:36BenNote Added: 0002577
06-12-14 23:36BenStatusassigned => resolved
06-12-14 23:36BenFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
06-12-14 23:36BenResolutionopen => fixed

17-11-14 13:02   
I'll have a look at it, I thought I had that issue fixed since I had noticed something like that in the past when testing this code.
17-11-14 16:52   
Hmmm since it is related to visual range to... I'll use this ticket to submit another 'fix' related to EC, VisualRange in EC is increased a lot but the actual limit is 18 (Hardcoded), maybe instead of allowing to increase the VisualRange variable the code should check for more range directly, to keep it up faster to Classic clients?
20-11-14 01:25   
visualrange can already be modified for each char and can have a value of up to 31 if I remember correctly.
20-11-14 02:43   
I'm guessing it works fine without OSIMultiSight?
06-12-14 23:36   
I'm assuming this is fixed...