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0002497SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic26-03-15 19:3431-03-15 11:41
16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
0.56c Nightly 
Automated (specify build number)
None, Intrinsic_Locals, Script_Profiler, Size_Optimise
Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoItemNaming, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Flood_Protection, Buffs, NoPrefix
0002497: ArchProtection with COMBAT_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE dont apply the effects like single Protection Spell
Coruja change the protection spell, for decrease MR and decrease physical resist like OSI, but forget modify the ArchProtection Spell.

Added: New Magic Reflection and Protection spell behavior if COMBAT_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE feature is enabled.
Cast ArchProtection.
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Issue History
26-03-15 19:34ShaminoNew Issue
31-03-15 11:41CorujaStatusnew => resolved
31-03-15 11:41CorujaFixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
31-03-15 11:41CorujaResolutionopen => fixed
31-03-15 11:41CorujaAssigned To => Coruja

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