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0002306SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic07-04-14 20:2913-04-14 20:20
Automated (specify build number)
0002306: Timing problem on f_onserver_save
The function f_onserver_save (sphere_serv_triggers.scp) has a timing problem. Instead run -before- the worldsave starts, it always runs about 4 seconds -after- the worldsave start.

[FUNCTION f_onserver_save]
SERV.B Worldsave start

[FUNCTION f_onserver_save_finished]
SERV.B Worldsave complete (<ARGS> seconds).

This code above apparently does not have nothing wrong, it's a simple and lightweight function. But the message "Worldsave start" will show only after I already got freeze about 0001447:0000004 seconds

Maybe a way to fix this problem is create a 1sec delay between f_onserver_save and the worldsave (this 1sec delay is enough to make sure the function will run fine)
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Issue History
07-04-14 20:29CorujaNew Issue
07-04-14 22:16darksun84Note Added: 0002029
07-04-14 22:19darksun84Note Edited: 0002029bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0002029#r590
07-04-14 23:50CorujaNote Added: 0002030
13-04-14 00:37FeehAssigned To => Feeh
13-04-14 00:37FeehStatusnew => assigned
13-04-14 00:38FeehIssue Monitored: Feeh
13-04-14 20:20FeehStatusassigned => resolved
13-04-14 20:20FeehResolutionopen => fixed

07-04-14 22:16   
(edited on: 07-04-14 22:19)
mine works fine :
22:14:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,102)Worldsave start
GC: 107 Objects accounted for
22:14:World data saved (save/sphereworld.scp).
22:14:Player data saved (save/spherechars.scp).
22:14:Multi data saved (save/spheremultis.scp).
22:14:Context data saved (save/spheredata.scp).
22:14:World save completed, took 0.2229 seconds
22:14:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,119)Worldsave complete (0.2229 seconds).
22:14:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,107)Worldsave ok

but i have super small save files!

using last nigthtly(7 april)

07-04-14 23:50   
maybe you cant notice with small save files, but here I have huge save files (spherechars 110mb / sphereworld 40mb), with save time ~17sec and 110~140 clients online

that's what occours at every worldsave:
1) the worldsave start and the server got frozen without any ingame message
2) after 4 seconds the message "Worldsave start" appears to all clients
3) at worldsave finish everything is fine, the message "worldsave complete" shows instantly

it's not a big problem, but it's annoying :P