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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001447SphereServerexecutable - linux buildpublic12-07-08 15:0109-02-14 23:47
Assigned ToBeyonder 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001447: Timer MaxValue
DescriptionThe value we can set in our timer is dropping randomly.
We had timers with 3 500 000 time... now our maximum is at 1 850 000. If we set a value greater than that sphere sets it automatically to -1.
This already destroyed our House-Script and will hit our larger spawns if it keeps dropping.
Additional InformationWe've tried to restart the sphere and we also restarted the whole box it is running on. No effect so far.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly Version08-02-2008
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsCommand_Sysmsgs, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships
has duplicate 0001895closed Time doesn't work properly when serv.time is close to overflow 

-  Notes
Beyonder (developer)
12-07-08 21:02

Try backing up your saves, and manually changing the TIME to 0 in sphereworld.scp.
That is a temporary solution that will work if you don't have any serv.time dependant scripts.
Monsi (reporter)
12-07-08 22:39

That's not that easy...
We've around 700 script-files, 100 got serv.time usage. We could reset the serv.load and change all of those 100... but that would still hit the char-age of our players. (we use many things that work with their char-age)

We'll try to change the TIME value in some kind of value as temporary solution...
Ben (manager)
09-02-14 23:47

Time is now INT64

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
12-07-08 15:01 Monsi New Issue
12-07-08 15:01 Monsi Nightly Version => 08-02-2008
12-07-08 15:01 Monsi Experimental Flags => None
12-07-08 15:01 Monsi Option Flags => Command_Sysmsgs, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix
12-07-08 15:05 Monsi Issue Monitored: Monsi
12-07-08 21:02 Beyonder Note Added: 0000004
12-07-08 21:02 Beyonder Status new => confirmed
12-07-08 22:39 Monsi Note Added: 0000005
19-07-08 13:55 nazghul Status confirmed => assigned
19-07-08 13:55 nazghul Assigned To => Beyonder
14-11-10 19:54 MrSugarCube Category executable - linux => executable - linux build
22-01-11 13:36 MrSugarCube Relationship added has duplicate 0001895
09-02-14 23:47 Ben Note Added: 0001944
09-02-14 23:47 Ben Status assigned => resolved
09-02-14 23:47 Ben Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
09-02-14 23:47 Ben Resolution open => fixed

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