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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001494SphereServerscript packpublic16-08-08 19:5324-02-13 22:28
Assigned ToBen 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001494: Wrong prices on npc Bowyer
Descriptioni_arrow: must have VALUE=2
i_xbolt: must have VALUE=2
i_arrow_shaft: must have VALUE=3

But why? These items must have these value because actually ppl can buy feather+shaft for price X, them they make an arrow with 1 feather + 1 shaft and sell it for price 3x to the same npc.
Btw, these are OSI default values for these items :D
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly Version08-02-2008
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

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-  Notes
nazghul (developer)
05-10-08 23:43

sounds illogical to me

If I need one shaft and one feather to create one arrow, if the shaft has a value of 1, and the feather also, I have to spend 2 gp (plus VENDORMARKUP) for these resources, resulting in 2-3 gp. Then I can sell the result (the arrow) for it's VALUE of 2 (minus VENDORMARKUP) to an NPC

I can't see the problem. Even with VENDORMARKUP disabled, you have to invest 2 gp to earn 2 gp
Coruja (developer)
06-10-08 01:00

Let's simulate again :D
I buy a shaft and a feather for ~3gp. Now I make an bolt using these materials (shaft+feather), and sell it to a npc for ~20gp. I will get rich in just some minutes, because this crafted item is a 'replicate' item (that make all possible items on craft instead of just make 1)

To fix this I just searched for default OSI price for these items, and using these OSI values this problem got fixed.
nazghul (developer)
06-10-08 02:30

but ONE bolt is for sale for just 2 gp. And to make 10 bolts you need 10 feathers and 10 shafts.

It's not as if you buy ONE shaft and ONE feather and get 10 bolts.

Of course, if you sampled 1000 feathers and made 1000 shafts, you will make 1000 bolts in a moment. But you have to count the time to sample the feathers, harvest the logs, cut them into shafts ...

Again: If youz have NO shafts NOR feathers, and buy one of each for 1 gp each, you spent 2 gp. If you make a bolt put of them, you may sell it for ... 2 gp

"replicate" does not mean that the resources are "replicating" themselves :)
Coruja (developer)
06-10-08 02:45

Yea, the logic is make the item and sell it for 2gp. But it's selling for ~21gp, not 2gp. And this wrong price allow ppl to buy items for 2gp, transform it on a bolt and sell this bolt for 21gp. Just try it yourself, and in minutes you will get a lot of money.

The replicate propertie is not a problem and doesnt affect the price, I just mentioned because it help ppl get rich more faster because it will craft more items to sell :D
nazghul (developer)
06-10-08 12:51

well, I have set


then created ONE shaft and ONE feather, made a bolt, sold it to an NPC and received ZWO gp (VENDORMARKUP is disabled)

Same with TEN shafts and TEN feathers: Made TEN bolts, sold them for 20 gp

So, sorry, but I have no idea why you're selling ONE bolt for 21 gp
Ben (manager)
24-02-13 22:28

Don't know why prices for arrows and bolts are that high.
Added VALUE lines in appropriate scripts

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
16-08-08 19:53 Coruja New Issue
16-08-08 19:53 Coruja Nightly Version => 08-02-2008
16-08-08 19:53 Coruja Experimental Flags => None
16-08-08 19:53 Coruja Option Flags => None
05-10-08 23:43 nazghul Note Added: 0000100
06-10-08 01:00 Coruja Note Added: 0000102
06-10-08 02:30 nazghul Note Added: 0000103
06-10-08 02:45 Coruja Note Added: 0000106
06-10-08 12:51 nazghul Note Added: 0000108
24-02-13 22:28 Ben Note Added: 0001489
24-02-13 22:28 Ben Status new => resolved
24-02-13 22:28 Ben Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
24-02-13 22:28 Ben Resolution open => fixed
24-02-13 22:28 Ben Assigned To => Ben

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