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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
executable - windows build
crashnew14-02-1756d Crass on every Save
executable - generic
trivialnew11-07-16FLOATVAL error with ABS and issue with SQRT
executable - generic
trivialresolved (Coruja)24-04-16FACE with more than 1 arguments makes sphere crash
executable - generic
minorfeedback (khaos)11-03-16Going pk/criminal on innocent party
executable - windows build
crashresolved (Coruja)28-02-16Recent changes about custom skill and error messages in console
executable - windows build
trivialresolved (XuN)17-02-16The spawitem can't be readed @create
executable - windows build
majornew12-02-16@NpcRestock seems to recognize only SELL and BUY keywords
executable - generic
minornew10-01-16Going outside the ship if ship moves and char walk/runs
  0002569 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
executable - generic
minornew03-01-16Misc PARTY issues
executable - generic
minorconfirmed29-12-15SELL/BUY not working under IF clause in @NpcRestock
executable - generic
featurenew29-12-15NPC movement speed
executable - windows build
featurenew20-12-15@Stroke trigger for TAMING SKILL
  0002565 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
majornew14-12-15Builds after 27.01.2015 have very different damage calculation even with e_old_AR
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Coruja)08-12-15NPC timer super high Values
  0002563 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
minorresolved (Coruja)16-11-15Variable FasterCasting affect with .GM ON when use .add command.
new feature request
minorresolved (Coruja)04-11-15brain_banker + brain_vendor
  0002111 [SphereServer]
new feature request
executable - generic
majorresolved (XuN)30-10-15swordsmanship and wrestling don't increase
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)30-10-15NPCs spawn with strange colors and missing items
  0002562 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)24-10-15Issue with WOP Color when NPCs cast spells.
executable - generic
majorresolved (XuN)01-10-15Wall of stone spell doesn't trigger @effect
new feature request
tweakresolved (XuN)01-10-15Reveal after looting
new feature request
featureresolved (XuN)01-10-15Add a way to get the control when a use TARGETF* and user cancel (esc) the targeting process.
  0002557 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
minorresolved (Coruja)29-09-15Rare issue with fighting NPCs, players work fine.
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)27-09-15Console error and mount deleted when save.
  0002556 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
minorresolved (XuN)25-09-15Elemental damage set on CHARDEF dont work, on @Create yes.
  0002558 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)25-09-15Cant hit npc
executable - generic
majorassigned (XuN)22-09-15Dragons use fireball instead of explosion and is not possible to avoid damages running away
executable - windows build
minoracknowledged (XuN)16-09-15Wrong/missing triggers on attacks
executable - generic
crashresolved (XuN)15-09-15Party issue
executable - generic
trivialresolved (XuN)15-09-15Parrying still fires @UseQuick even when SKF_SCRIPTED is applied.
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)15-09-15freeze after start
executable - generic
majornew13-09-15"you decide not to sew anymore for now" leads you to lose all of your hides
new feature request
featureresolved (XuN)28-08-15A way to change the attackspeed formula
  0002547 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)28-08-15Tracking skill can't track brain_dragon and other issue.
  0002553 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)28-08-15COMBAT_NODIRCHANGE disable swing animations
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Coruja)26-08-15Don't see ghost when kill a player, need type .resend
  0002551 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Coruja)25-08-15Food dont work, MOREM set food not sum and other issue.
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Coruja)21-08-15Paperdoll Gump dont update when change body variable.
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Coruja)10-08-15Problem with Speedera and wrestling on players (ULTRA SLOW).
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Coruja)10-08-15Movement issues
executable - linux build
blockresolved (XuN)08-08-15Encryption error
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Coruja)08-08-15NPC blood is generated in myself when he hit me.
  0002541 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
trivialresolved (Coruja)06-08-15Hair color become white when resurrect, need type .resend
executable - generic
blockresolved (Coruja)16-07-15Drop resource on the ground or water will set timer -1 and never decay
executable - generic
majorresolved (Coruja)16-07-15Weid inssues with resurrect
script pack
textresolved (XuN)15-07-15Lacking '>' in a line of sphere_defs
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)10-07-15IF clause under @NpcRestock
executable - generic
majorresolved (XuN)08-07-15Now all the spells require tithing point
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