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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001676SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic16-11-09 23:2602-11-14 11:56
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001676: Unable to block the leaving message from an npc
DescriptionIf I generate a customized npc and add a speech to it, when he "lose interest" he say something like a leaving message: actually I can't block that message (and I need that my npc doesn't talk!)
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly Version20-09-2009
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
XuN (developer)
02-11-14 11:56

These msgs were added time ago:

//npc_generic_gone_1 "Well it was nice speaking to you %s but I must go about my business"
//npc_generic_gone_2 "Nice speaking to you %s"

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
16-11-09 23:26 Fire-Dragon-DoL New Issue
16-11-09 23:26 Fire-Dragon-DoL Nightly Version => 20-09-2009
16-11-09 23:26 Fire-Dragon-DoL Experimental Flags => None
16-11-09 23:26 Fire-Dragon-DoL Option Flags => None
02-11-14 11:56 XuN Note Added: 0002552
02-11-14 11:56 XuN Status new => resolved
02-11-14 11:56 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
02-11-14 11:56 XuN Resolution open => fixed
02-11-14 11:56 XuN Assigned To => XuN

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