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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002160SphereServernew feature requestpublic02-05-13 11:4608-05-14 11:41
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002160: New .ini setting to change individual criminal timer (memory_harmedby)
DescriptionI would suggest a new .ini feature to control INDIVIDUAL criminal timers. I mean, the criminal flag that you got only for one person when you attack him (memory_harmedby)

Example: I'm the player X (blue), and if I attack the player Y (blue), the memory_harmedby will be created on player Y and I will remain criminal to player Y as long this memory exists. When it goes to TIMER=0 the memory decay and the criminal flag go off.

But this memory ALWAYS have TIMER=300 (5 minutes) and theres no way to customize this time. If I want change it to 180 seconds (3 minutes) on my server theres no way to do it
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Nightly VersionNot Available
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
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-  Notes
RanXerox (developer)
03-05-13 21:03

There is s Sphere.ini flag for this already:

// How many minutes are criminals flagged for
Coruja (developer)
03-05-13 21:29

sure, but there's "2 types" of criminal and this setting is used only by "type 1", the idea is create another setting to control "type 2" too

type 1: criminal to everyone
-ref: criminal memory item (LAYER 43 /layer_flag_criminal) equipped on attacker
-here the timer is defined by SERV.CriminalTimer and it works fine

type 2: criminal/gray just to someone specific
-ref: memory_harmedby equipped on char defending/attacked
-here the timer will always be 300 (hardcoded) and there's no way to customize it. So it will be nice a new setting to customize this, or at least make it use the SERV.CriminalTimer too
xwerswoodx (reporter)
18-06-13 13:12
edited on: 18-06-13 13:14

You can check the item with @HIT trigger.

If he has and its timer >= 181


timerf 1,src.ctimer <src.memoryfindtype.memory_harmedby.uid>

[Function ctimer]
if <OBJ.TIMER> > 180

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
02-05-13 11:46 Coruja New Issue
03-05-13 21:03 RanXerox Note Added: 0001550
03-05-13 21:29 Coruja Note Added: 0001551
18-06-13 13:12 xwerswoodx Note Added: 0001559
18-06-13 13:14 xwerswoodx Note Edited: 0001559 View Revisions
08-05-14 11:41 XuN Status new => resolved
08-05-14 11:41 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
08-05-14 11:41 XuN Resolution open => fixed
08-05-14 11:41 XuN Assigned To => XuN

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