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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002314SphereServerscript packpublic22-04-14 03:1723-04-14 15:09
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformVMware 4 Core, 8GB RAMOSWindowsOS Version2008 64
Product Version16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
Target VersionFixed in Version16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
Summary0002314: New CanUse in scripts
DescriptionThe new "CanUse" in scripts only takes that last value passed to it.

Example: CanUse=can_u_human|can_u_elf|can_u_gargoyle
Only Gargoyle can use it.

Only Human can use it.

Build from 4/20/2014
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
mpgram (reporter)
22-04-14 03:20

Sorry, I should have mentioned: This happens on any equip-able item.
XuN (developer)
22-04-14 09:37

It works fine for me:

[ITEMDEF 0283]

Both .show serv.itemdef.i_gargish_stone_arms_female.canuse and .xshow canuse on the item retrieves 012
mpgram (reporter)
22-04-14 16:32
edited on: 22-04-14 16:33

This appears to be race related, not race/sex related.
To make sure, I deleted all the scripts and the spheresvr.exe and downloaded fresh. The world file is blank and this was a new character.

[ITEMDEF 0df0]

As a human character, when trying to equip I get the message, Only elves may use this.

.xshow canuse on the item shows: 0c

[ITEMDEF 0df0]

.xshow canuse on the item shows: 08

[ITEMDEF 0df0]

.xshow canuse on the item shows: 04
Human can also equip with no issue.

Ben (manager)
22-04-14 17:25

ok the error here is with t_equipitem in sphere_item_typedef_equipitem.scp.
Someone will have a look at it soon.
XuN (developer)
23-04-14 15:09

Fixed CanUse in the script, you can download it tonight.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
22-04-14 03:17 mpgram New Issue
22-04-14 03:20 mpgram Note Added: 0002071
22-04-14 09:37 XuN Note Added: 0002072
22-04-14 16:32 mpgram Note Added: 0002074
22-04-14 16:33 mpgram Note Edited: 0002074 View Revisions
22-04-14 17:25 Ben Note Added: 0002075
23-04-14 15:09 XuN Note Added: 0002083
23-04-14 15:09 XuN Status new => resolved
23-04-14 15:09 XuN Fixed in Version => 16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease
23-04-14 15:09 XuN Resolution open => fixed
23-04-14 15:09 XuN Assigned To => XuN

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