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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002517SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic12-06-15 16:5522-09-15 05:58
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002517: Dragons use fireball instead of explosion and is not possible to avoid damages running away
DescriptionDragons now use fireball istead on explosion, players are complaining bcuz is not possible to avoid the damages running away from the mobs.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number2338
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
XuN (developer)
13-06-15 11:28

Added local.sound to @Effect and @SpellEffect triggers, by default it uses spell->sound excepting effects from potions which will have a random value between 0x030 and 0x031 (old value), this is writable, 0 means no sound.

Will work on tomorrow's build.
XuN (developer)
13-06-15 12:21

Wrong ticket :)
I'm checking this and it seems ok... it's casting breath if target's distance is < 15.

Added BREATH.TYPE to Breath's animation, this will tell Sphere what type of effect to use (same types as .effect).
    - To help keeping old behaviour (explosion on target instead of following fireball) I added BREATH.ANIM and BREATH.TYPE to every brain_dragon in sphere_monsters.scp and sphere_monsters_custom.scp, just remove the // on these lines with a quick find&replace to enable old style breath.
Rizz (reporter)
14-06-15 19:44
edited on: 14-06-15 19:45


BREATH.TYPE = 1 --> lightning on target
BREATH.TYPE = 2,3 ---> explosion on target

Basically i cannot have the old breath area beahviour.

Is not possible to run away, even 20 tiles away you get the spell.

Rizz (reporter)
29-06-15 09:07

Any news?
Rizz (reporter)
23-07-15 20:33

Rizz (reporter)
22-09-15 05:58


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
12-06-15 16:55 Rizz New Issue
13-06-15 11:28 XuN Note Added: 0002819
13-06-15 11:28 XuN Status new => resolved
13-06-15 11:28 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
13-06-15 11:28 XuN Resolution open => fixed
13-06-15 11:28 XuN Assigned To => XuN
13-06-15 12:21 XuN Note Added: 0002821
13-06-15 12:21 XuN Status resolved => feedback
13-06-15 12:21 XuN Resolution fixed => reopened
13-06-15 12:21 XuN Status feedback => new
13-06-15 17:36 XuN Status new => resolved
13-06-15 17:36 XuN Resolution reopened => fixed
14-06-15 19:44 Rizz Note Added: 0002827
14-06-15 19:44 Rizz Status resolved => feedback
14-06-15 19:44 Rizz Resolution fixed => reopened
14-06-15 19:45 Rizz Note Edited: 0002827 View Revisions
29-06-15 09:07 Rizz Note Added: 0002887
29-06-15 09:07 Rizz Status feedback => assigned
23-07-15 20:33 Rizz Note Added: 0002935
22-09-15 05:58 Rizz Note Added: 0002976

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