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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001726SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic28-02-10 07:4924-03-13 21:00
Assigned ToRanXerox 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001726: Beard color reseting on vendor sell
DescriptionIf you buy some hair on a npc barber, the new hair will come in the same color of the old char hair.
But if you buy a new beard on the same barber npc, the item always will come in gray color (color=0)
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly Version09-09-2008
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
RanXerox (developer)
24-03-13 21:00

There are numerous solutions to this, here are a couple:

The default script pack doesn't have a barber that sells these items so I presume it is something you decided to do.

If you want to sell those items from vendors, then edit the ITEMDEF for all the hair and beard items and add an @Equip trigger to set the color based on what color the player already has in their current hair or beard...

Alternatively, don't sell i_hair or i_beard items directly (instead, barbers could have a custom dialog for players to choose style and color.)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
28-02-10 07:49 Coruja New Issue
28-02-10 07:49 Coruja Nightly Version => 09-09-2008
28-02-10 07:49 Coruja Experimental Flags => None
28-02-10 07:49 Coruja Option Flags => None
24-03-13 21:00 RanXerox Note Added: 0001525
24-03-13 21:00 RanXerox Status new => resolved
24-03-13 21:00 RanXerox Resolution open => fixed
24-03-13 21:00 RanXerox Assigned To => RanXerox

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