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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001820SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic17-09-10 08:4802-11-14 11:49
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001820: COMBAT_PREHIT not works for archery
Descriptionit works only for the close combat
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number1333
Attached Files

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-  Notes
xantier (reporter)
17-09-10 15:14

yeh i remember i opened this before (or thought to open this :P). it doesn't work for archery..
ShiryuX (developer)
18-09-10 05:40

Prehit doesn't apply for ranged combat.
Do you have any official UO documentation that proves this statement wrong?
Otherwise, I'll close the report.
xantier (reporter)
18-09-10 06:46

Every UO version had a different prehit style that included both ranged and melee. In T2A, that prehit timer can be 0.25 sec., in another version it can be 0.50, or a version can contain "hit while running" feature. You can find these informations from, google groups UO, old school players or OSI with demo account. You can also check UO Demo (1998) which osi had released it as single player tutorial UO. I don't see a reason to research that information before reporting bugs. Because I don't remember sphereserver had an aim to replicate OSI. If it is really needed then you will have to code it for ALL uo versions. Can you or who coded prehit tell me why it is added for only melee ? Is there an information for it ?

And even it is not OSI accurate to have ranged prehit, why shouldn't we have an option for it ?
ShiryuX (developer)
18-09-10 06:57

On one side, you always defend OSI replica and request for it. On the other side, you attack me for requesting UO information about an UO feature. Your comments only defend your own interests.

I'm not gonna break backwards compatibility. Unless you give me a good reason to.

Instead of attacking me, or the way I develop, you could get that information from the sites you previously named and post it here. If you don't want to cooperate with me or with Sphere, that's fine, but don't start attacking because we don't resolve everything you fill in the tracker.

Thank you.
xantier (reporter)
18-09-10 07:04
edited on: 18-09-10 22:06

I defend OSI replica because i'm trying to replicate OSI by scripting but there are points i can stuck at while doing this.. Sphereserver's aim is not that replica, and should not be that but it must allow us to do that.

It will surely defend my interests, then why should i suggest something if i'm not stuck at some point.

I'm not attacking anyone, just asked a few things. Stop finding reasons not to fix my problems. I'm not commanding you anything, i don't have right for it. Just a reasonable reply would make me happy. I can't suppose you to change or fix things immediately.

Here is a T2A accurate shard explains all of the swing things : [^]

xantier (reporter)
06-10-10 18:38

Please stop deleting my entries those you don't "like".
babidi (reporter)
06-10-10 19:38

activate email notify and read all the notes whene they are writen directly from your email
ShiryuX (developer)
06-10-10 21:58

Please, stop talking to us like if we were your employees.
If I've asked for information is because I don't know how prehit works (a feature never used for me), and I don't know which behavior is right.
BTW, A server post means nothing.

Oh, and stop answering, this is not a chat/forum.
XuN (developer)
02-11-14 11:49

Fixed in next nightly.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
17-09-10 08:48 babidi New Issue
17-09-10 15:14 xantier Note Added: 0000637
18-09-10 05:40 ShiryuX Note Added: 0000638
18-09-10 06:43 xantier Note Added: 0000639
18-09-10 06:45 xantier Note Deleted: 0000639
18-09-10 06:46 xantier Note Added: 0000640
18-09-10 06:57 ShiryuX Note Added: 0000641
18-09-10 07:04 xantier Note Added: 0000642
18-09-10 07:04 xantier Note Edited: 0000642 View Revisions
18-09-10 22:06 xantier Note Edited: 0000642 View Revisions
05-10-10 18:10 xantier Note Added: 0000686
05-10-10 18:12 babidi Note Added: 0000687
05-10-10 18:17 babidi Note Deleted: 0000687
05-10-10 19:34 ShiryuX Note Deleted: 0000686
06-10-10 18:38 xantier Note Added: 0000688
06-10-10 18:46 babidi Note Added: 0000689
06-10-10 19:38 babidi Note Edited: 0000689 View Revisions
06-10-10 19:38 babidi Note Deleted: 0000689
06-10-10 19:38 babidi Note Added: 0000690
06-10-10 21:58 ShiryuX Note Added: 0000691
02-11-14 11:49 XuN Note Added: 0002550
02-11-14 11:49 XuN Status new => resolved
02-11-14 11:49 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
02-11-14 11:49 XuN Resolution open => fixed
02-11-14 11:49 XuN Assigned To => XuN

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