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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001893SphereServerscript packpublic20-01-11 02:0114-03-11 02:28
Assigned ToMrSugarCube 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001893: Gargoyle Shrine with incorrect name

[AREADEF a_shrine_virtues] -> a_shrine_gargoyle
NAME=Shrine of the Virtues -> Gargoyle Shrine
FLAGS=region_flag_no_pvp|region_flag_nobuilding (i don't know the original flag, since my server doesnt use region_flag_safe on shrines)
Steps To Reproduce [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly Version09-09-2008
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
Coruja (developer)
20-01-11 02:10
edited on: 20-01-11 02:41

in time, the gargoyle shrine areadef must be moved to shrines section on same map file
//////////// END SHRINE /////////////
EDIT: And add 'GROUP=Ilshenar Shrines' too

and another areadef correction:

[AREADEF a_gargoyle_city] -> a_ver_lor_reg
NAME=Gargoyle City -> Ver Lor Reg
GROUP=Ilshenar Towns
TAG.TITLE=the city of
FLAGS=region_flag_nobuilding [^]

MrSugarCube (administrator)
21-01-11 03:43

I opted to remove the FLAGS line from a_shrine_virtues/a_shrine_gargoyle too, to be consistent with the other shrines.
Coruja (developer)
05-02-11 04:54

sorry reopen this issue, I forget the region flags for ver lor reg :D
correct flag: FLAGS=04180 (guarded, globalname and nobuild)
khaos (developer)
14-03-11 02:26

Updated the flags for Ver Lor Reg.
khaos (developer)
14-03-11 02:28

Will be add tonight in my updates. It is resolved.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
20-01-11 02:01 Coruja New Issue
20-01-11 02:10 Coruja Note Added: 0000848
20-01-11 02:10 Coruja Note Edited: 0000848 View Revisions
20-01-11 02:41 Coruja Note Edited: 0000848 View Revisions
21-01-11 03:43 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000851
21-01-11 03:43 MrSugarCube Status new => resolved
21-01-11 03:43 MrSugarCube Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
21-01-11 03:43 MrSugarCube Resolution open => fixed
21-01-11 03:43 MrSugarCube Assigned To => MrSugarCube
05-02-11 04:54 Coruja Note Added: 0000892
05-02-11 04:54 Coruja Status resolved => feedback
05-02-11 04:54 Coruja Resolution fixed => reopened
14-03-11 02:26 khaos Note Added: 0000964
14-03-11 02:28 khaos Note Added: 0000965
14-03-11 02:28 khaos Status feedback => resolved
14-03-11 02:28 khaos Resolution reopened => fixed

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