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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002184SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic05-08-13 02:1622-09-13 15:20
Assigned ToBen 
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
DescriptionIn sphere wiki
TAG.RED Sets the region as a safe place for evil. Murders are considered normal here.
If region is guarded, guards will be red and protect evil players.

In Game Bugs
- When you enter the region, which has TAG.RED, you will show murderer (red)
- Secondly, if the region has region_flag_guarded, Guards won't be murder and protect evils.

At ADVANCELOS settings if it's 02 or 01, you can attack with spells chars which you can't see. Hovewer, you can't use field spells at same coordinate.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsDiagonalWalkCheck, Unicode, New_Triggers, Intrinsic_Locals, Item_Strict_Comparison, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, AllowTelnetPacketFilter, Script_Profiler, Size_Optimise, Minimize_Triggers, DamageTools, UsePingServer, NPCAct_Triggers, UseNetworkMulti, NetworkOutThread
Option FlagsCommand_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoItemNaming, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Flood_Protection, Buffs, NoPrefix, DyeType, DrinkIsFood
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
Ben (manager)
05-08-13 16:48

There should not be 2 reports in 1...
xwerswoodx (reporter)
05-08-13 16:48

Sorry I didn't want to report two post but if you want i can seperate them
Ben (manager)
22-09-13 15:20

First, When entering a RED region as a blue player, you will be considered evil and mark as red (normal behaviour) while a red player will be marked gray or blue (not sure which)
I'm not sure where you see a bug with this.

As for Line of sight, open another report.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05-08-13 02:16 xwerswoodx New Issue
05-08-13 16:48 Ben Note Added: 0001621
05-08-13 16:48 xwerswoodx Note Added: 0001622
06-08-13 19:40 xwerswoodx Issue Monitored: xwerswoodx
06-08-13 19:40 xwerswoodx Issue End Monitor: xwerswoodx
22-09-13 15:20 Ben Note Added: 0001691
22-09-13 15:20 Ben Status new => closed
22-09-13 15:20 Ben Assigned To => Ben
22-09-13 15:20 Ben Resolution open => no change required

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