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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002252SphereServernew feature requestpublic24-12-13 00:0224-12-13 20:47
ReporterBubonic Pestilence 
Assigned ToBen 
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002252: Inheritance for items/chars
DescriptionHello Devs.

Current Situation:
[chardef t1]
id c_troll

  color 36

[chardef t2]
id t1

  color 48

If you do .add t1, it will be shown as troll and it will inherit troll's properties.
But if you do .add t2, it will show error in console and c_man will be added.

What i'm asking for, is... it's already XXI century, century of OOP, give us ability to inherit properties, triggers, events & etc.

something like:

[chardef c_llama_newbie]
id c_llama
name Newbie Llama, Uncolored

  src.consume 10000 i_gold

[chardef c_llama_newbie_colored]
id c_llama_newbie
name Colored Newbie Llama

  super // triggers parent's @death trigger
  src.consume 5000 i_gold // additional 5k, total 15k for using colored

[chardef c_llama_newbie_colored_mana]
id c_llama_newbie_colored
name Colored Newbie Llama with Mana Reg

on=@mount +mana_reg

Don't you think it "slightly" shorter than copying all triggers/props from "parent" llamas? )
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Nightly VersionNot Available
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
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-  Notes
Ben (manager)
24-12-13 14:00

right... cuz copy/paste is such a hard task...

what if you don't want a certain property to be inherited? then your stuck setting those to something else.
I really don't see a need for this.
Bubonic Pestilence (reporter)
24-12-13 16:34
edited on: 24-12-13 16:40

It's all about how detailed your subclasses.


c_man > c_elf > c_elf_on_horse > c_elf_on_horse_with_mace
but if you want elf without horse, you can do this:
c_man > c_elf > c_elf_with_sword

And... IMHO... if you're prefering c&p... i think you're not good person to discuss developing patterns...

Ben (manager)
24-12-13 20:47

Really? You think that was wise?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
24-12-13 00:02 Bubonic Pestilence New Issue
24-12-13 14:00 Ben Note Added: 0001866
24-12-13 16:34 Bubonic Pestilence Note Added: 0001867
24-12-13 16:40 Bubonic Pestilence Note Edited: 0001867 View Revisions
24-12-13 20:47 Ben Note Added: 0001868
24-12-13 20:47 Ben Status new => closed
24-12-13 20:47 Ben Assigned To => Ben
24-12-13 20:47 Ben Resolution open => no change required

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