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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002268SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic26-01-14 00:4314-04-14 03:16
Assigned ToAvatar 
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002268: SPELLFLAG_HARM on summon spells doesn't make the caster criminal
DescriptionAs the title says, casting summon spells with SPELLFLAG_HARM under guards protection wont make the caster criminal.

Eg: I have SPELLFLAG_HARM set on both 'wall of stone' and 'energy vortex' spells. Under the guards protection, if I cast a wall of stone I will become criminal, but casting a energy vortex doesn't flag me criminal
Additional InformationUsing 20 jan 2014 build
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
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-  Notes
Coruja (developer)
26-01-14 00:45

I'm using these flags:

[Spell 24]

[Spell 58]
Avatar (reporter)
14-04-14 03:10

I dont think there is problem but if you are insisting on it, you can achieve criminal issue by scripting if you want. I just checked and there is no problem.

on=@gethit trigger you can manipulate this directly without any restrictions like the following ;

if (<argn2>&00004) ==> just check the spell with serv.log <argn2> and see what is the definitions of spell then adjust 00004 instead. After that
put src.criminal so and so forth.
Avatar (reporter)
14-04-14 03:16

Also, be sure that you are using last spells definitions and corrected scripts as released in nightly release

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
26-01-14 00:43 Coruja New Issue
26-01-14 00:45 Coruja Note Added: 0001933
14-04-14 03:10 Avatar Note Added: 0002040
14-04-14 03:11 Avatar Status new => resolved
14-04-14 03:11 Avatar Resolution open => fixed
14-04-14 03:11 Avatar Assigned To => Avatar
14-04-14 03:15 Avatar Issue Monitored: Avatar
14-04-14 03:15 Avatar Status resolved => feedback
14-04-14 03:15 Avatar Resolution fixed => reopened
14-04-14 03:16 Avatar Note Added: 0002041
14-04-14 03:16 Avatar Issue End Monitor: Avatar
14-04-14 03:16 Avatar Status feedback => resolved
14-04-14 03:16 Avatar Resolution reopened => fixed

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