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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002378SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic10-07-14 13:0923-11-14 19:21
Assigned Tomatex 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002378: Can't walk on not scripted static tile
DescriptionIf floors tile are not scripted can't walk on!
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsAllowTelnetPacketFilter, Script_Profiler
Option FlagsFileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech
Internal Build Number1971
Attached Files

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-  Notes
Ben (manager)
14-07-14 01:46

how about an example...
Xfolder (reporter)
17-07-14 11:11

if I have this in my scripts:

[ITEMDEF 04082]

I can walk on it, otherwise i can't :\
Feeh (developer)
18-07-14 00:34

Are you using custom MUL/UOPs?
Was not able to reproduce

I've removed many static tiles from my scripts and could still walk on them with GM=0
Xfolder (reporter)
18-07-14 11:22

Yes i use custom mul. The only way to walk on it is scripting the tile.
Feeh (developer)
18-07-14 18:18

What is your custom tile flags ?
Virtue tiles have no flags
Teleporters have Flags: Surface, Bridge (moonglow, jhelom...)
Alchemical symbols have Flags: Background, Surface, ArticleA
Snow Tiles have Flags: Background, Surface, Unknown2
Water have Flags: Background, Impassable, Wet, Unknown2
Static grass have Flags: Background, Surface, Unknown2
Most floors have Flags: Background, Surface, ArticleA
Cave floor have Flags: Background, Surface, NoShoot, Unknown2

I'm assuming you're now using the latest sphere version
I don't really know how sphere handle the movement but I'm trying my best
Until we solve that, you can leave the floor scripted. Sphere does have scripts for many static tiles.
darksun84 (reporter)
30-07-14 22:01

You can write in the Sphere's console : d ui

A file named unscripted_items.scp will be created in the Sphere's folder, inside the file there will be also your custom floor tiles, then you have just to place it in the scripts folder :D.
XuN (developer)
07-08-14 10:41

Can you give out some more information? Are these tiles over unpassable terrain, over other walkable tiles... what is around them?
matex (developer)
11-09-14 19:59

Can you report on this using the newest Version? I think i maybe got that one in the walk checking code.
Rizz (reporter)
27-09-14 16:04

still have some problem of walking here...
where is unscripted_items.scp ?
Ben (manager)
23-11-14 19:21

Found and fixed this issue. Item flags will be taken directly from tiledata if no ITEMDEF is found.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
10-07-14 13:09 Xfolder New Issue
14-07-14 01:46 Ben Note Added: 0002331
17-07-14 11:11 Xfolder Note Added: 0002339
18-07-14 00:34 Feeh Note Added: 0002340
18-07-14 11:22 Xfolder Note Added: 0002342
18-07-14 18:18 Feeh Note Added: 0002344
30-07-14 22:01 darksun84 Note Added: 0002383
07-08-14 10:41 XuN Note Added: 0002387
11-09-14 19:59 matex Note Added: 0002424
11-09-14 19:59 matex Assigned To => matex
11-09-14 19:59 matex Status new => feedback
27-09-14 16:04 Rizz Note Added: 0002441
23-11-14 19:21 Ben Note Added: 0002574
23-11-14 19:21 Ben Status feedback => resolved
23-11-14 19:21 Ben Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
23-11-14 19:21 Ben Resolution open => fixed

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