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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002528SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic23-06-15 01:0027-06-15 09:17
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002528: RESOURCES on npc doesn't work well
DescriptionRESOURCES=25 i_ribs_raw,3 i_nightmare_hide,3 i_reag_eye_of_newt

[ITEMDEF i_nightmare_hide]
NAME=nightmare hide


I cannot have more than 1 hide, the amount of other items is ok
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number2338
Attached Files

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-  Notes
Rizz (reporter)
23-06-15 01:09

RESOURCES=25 i_ribs_raw,3 i_nightmare_hide,3 i_reag_eye_of_newt, 30 i_hide

Results: 25 raw, 1 nightmare hide, 3 eyes of newt, 3 hides...

What's the problem? is amount divided by 10? Somekind of mistake with weight?
Coruja (developer)
25-06-15 19:07

if you're using FeatureML & 01 on sphere.ini, sphere will enable some racial bonus related to human/elf races

and one of these bonus is make humans get +10% of hides when carving corpses. But for some strange reason I missed an "+" when added this formula and it was making humans get only 10% of the hides instead +10% bonus lol

XuN already fixed it yesterday, try using using the latest build to check if still occour
Rizz (reporter)
25-06-15 19:45

You should remove the racial bonus from FeatureML & 01 and make a different option to enable.
I would like to keep the option from FeatureML & 01 but not this racial traits, it gives a lot of problems and annoying stuffs.
XuN (developer)
25-06-15 23:05

It's not giving problems anymore?
Rizz (reporter)
26-06-15 20:04

Seems it works, plz consider my idea with the traits
XuN (developer)
27-06-15 09:17

Looks like there's no build for windows today ... I added new flags for that anyway, temp download link here: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
23-06-15 01:00 Rizz New Issue
23-06-15 01:09 Rizz Note Added: 0002853
25-06-15 19:07 Coruja Note Added: 0002865
25-06-15 19:45 Rizz Note Added: 0002867
25-06-15 23:05 XuN Note Added: 0002869
26-06-15 20:04 Rizz Note Added: 0002871
27-06-15 09:17 XuN Note Added: 0002872
27-06-15 09:17 XuN Status new => resolved
27-06-15 09:17 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
27-06-15 09:17 XuN Resolution open => fixed
27-06-15 09:17 XuN Assigned To => XuN

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