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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002564SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic24-11-15 00:3108-12-15 11:47
Assigned ToCoruja 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002564: NPC timer super high Values
DescriptionAfter i put Nightly Build 2583, sometime a NPC (And also Players Character) get a super high value in his timer value (look at screenshot) so it doesn't performs any action until timer is set to 1 or a world save is performed.
Steps To ReproduceJust continue to add a NPC that get a super high timer value.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number2583
Attached Filespng file icon Immaginezz.png [^] (399,984 bytes) 24-11-15 00:31

- Relationships

-  Notes
darksun84 (reporter)
24-11-15 00:39
edited on: 24-11-15 00:39

To be more accurate, the timer is set to a super high value when the NPC emote (Npc is attacking you) appears and the related @start of the combat skill is fired.

Add to Wrestling skill
Say <name> <timer>
Continue to add zombie until you get one with super high timer value.

roberpot (reporter)
25-11-15 10:10

Is always the same value?
darksun84 (reporter)
01-12-15 11:33

No, the value always change
Coruja (developer)
03-12-15 23:16

it still occour even using latest nightly?
darksun84 (reporter)
07-12-15 16:04

It seems fixed :)!

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
24-11-15 00:31 darksun84 New Issue
24-11-15 00:31 darksun84 File Added: Immaginezz.png
24-11-15 00:39 darksun84 Note Added: 0002992
24-11-15 00:39 darksun84 Note Edited: 0002992 View Revisions
25-11-15 10:10 roberpot Note Added: 0002993
01-12-15 11:33 darksun84 Note Added: 0002994
03-12-15 23:16 Coruja Note Added: 0002995
07-12-15 16:04 darksun84 Note Added: 0002996
08-12-15 11:47 XuN Status new => resolved
08-12-15 11:47 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
08-12-15 11:47 XuN Resolution open => fixed
08-12-15 11:47 XuN Assigned To => Coruja

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