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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002577SphereServernew feature requestpublic03-05-16 17:0916-05-16 04:52
Assigned ToCoruja 
StatusclosedResolutionnot fixable 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version16-06-2013, 0.56b Prerelease 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002577: Dialog Actions
DescriptionWhen I saw the topic about dialog on forum I though you can add some new features for dialog.

I will try to explain as well as I can.

Firstly you can add ACTION or MOUSE section for dialog like;
[Dialog defname ACTION]

and there can be features like;
On=mouseclick //Trigger when you click left mouse button
ARGBTNID: The id of the clicked button
ARGCHKID: The id of clicked check box
ARGTXTID: The id of clicked textbox
POSx: X position of mouse
POSy: Y position of mouse

On=mouserclick //Trigger when you click right mouse button
Same with Left click trigger

On=mouseflip //Trigger when you flip mouse whell
Maybe Posx and Posy

On=mousehover //Trigger When you hover the mouse on dialog

and if you can add at the position of dialog when we close, it can be good.. like;
SRC.SYSMESSAGE Dialog X Position: <POSx> - Dialog Y Position: <POSy>

I don't know if I explain good or if they are possible but I think if you trigger BUTTON 0 when we right click on dialog, it can be possible to add mouse click triggers.

If you add these features we can make more dynamic and better dialog.
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Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
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-  Notes
Coruja (developer)
16-05-16 04:52

unfortunately there's no way to do this, it's an client-side limitation. The client doesn't tell these informations to the server and there's no way to make the server force the client to send it

the only info sent by client to the server is when it click on buttons or close the dialog. So there's no way to know the mouse position, or when the mouse pointer hover an text box, when it scroll mouse wheel, etc

PS: also take in mind that you requested a new feature but selected Sphere 56b when creating this issue, but Sphere 56b/56c are outdated and unfortunately can't receive more changes. All new changes are made only on latest 56d, so if you like new features it's a nice idea update to 56d :)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
03-05-16 17:09 xwerswoodx New Issue
16-05-16 04:52 Coruja Note Added: 0003015
16-05-16 04:52 Coruja Status new => closed
16-05-16 04:52 Coruja Assigned To => Coruja
16-05-16 04:52 Coruja Resolution open => not fixable

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