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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002578SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic30-01-17 06:5214-02-17 00:37
Assigned To 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows 7OS Version7
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002578: 56d Crass on every Save
DescriptionI downloaded new nightly version today, but there is so many problems, I know nightly versions isn't totally completed but sphere crashing nearly every save.

When I start server there is no error, after some time, it starts to give debug on saves, and when I use R, it says, there is still saving in progress so I can't do Resync, I use # to force save, and it gives debug, but save it.

After some time, when I use Save command on sphere, it gives crass report and close sphere.

Also, there is no link for Win 64x Library, when I try to download library file, it doesn't work. I don't know but maybe my problem can be this because I use 32bit Library dll on sphere.

I haven't take a screenshot for this, but if you need any screenshot I can send it on comment.

- I tried to explain problem as best as I can.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionNot Available
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
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-  Notes
Lightsource (reporter)
14-02-17 00:37

i guess you'll have to send a screenshot

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
30-01-17 06:52 xwerswoodx New Issue
14-02-17 00:37 Lightsource Note Added: 0003018

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