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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001710SphereServerexecutable - linux buildpublic17-01-10 00:3606-09-10 01:02
Assigned ToMrSugarCube 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.56c Nightly 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001710: Server 'crash' at login sporadicly
DescriptionThis problem appears only at every tenth (?) login. Sometimes without glibc-informations.

Message 1:
The following message forces the server to a complete crash. restarting doesnt work.

*** glibc detected *** ./spheresvr: double free or corruption (out): 0x2ce03b30 ***
terminate called recursively
======= Backtrace: =========
23:22:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted
======= Memory map: ========
23:22:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted
23:24:CRITICAL:'Main' thread hang, restarting...
23:24:FATAL:Segmentation fault
terminate called recursively
23:24:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted
23:25:CRITICAL:'Main' thread hang, restarting...
23:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
terminate called recursively
23:25:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted

Message 2:
this error allows the server to restart... but freezed him for the delay time (restart-time in sphere.ini)

15:49:6c:Client connected [Total:2] ('' 1/1)
15:49:6c:Login 'wuffel'
15:49:6c:Client disconnected [Total:1] ('')
15:49:6d:Client connected [Total:2] ('' 1/2)
15:49:FATAL:Segmentation fault
15:49:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted
15:50:CRITICAL:'Main' thread hang, restarting...
15:50:ERROR:6d:Bad Login 10 (Encryption error (packet length does not match what was expected))
15:50:6d:Client disconnected [Total:1] ('')

TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionNot Available
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsCommand_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, NoItemNaming, Flood_Protection, Buffs, NoPrefix
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships
has duplicate 0001721closed CRITICAL:Assert at login 
related to 0001728closedMrSugarCube After logout, account still loged in 
related to 0001723closed Random crash 

-  Notes
HOCOK (reporter)
17-01-10 16:46

Confirmed crash.

17:39:FATAL:Segmentation fault
17:39:FATAL:Error Pri=1, Code=11, Desc='Segmentation fault', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() 0000001 "select"
HOCOK (reporter)
17-01-10 16:49

Randomly when player login to server, some times all is ok, but 1 of 10 users get that Seg fault error and can't login.
HOCOK (reporter)
17-01-10 16:49
edited on: 17-01-10 16:58

Oh and after about 5min full server crash like described at the top.

p.s., flags:


wuffel (reporter)
17-01-10 18:16

It's like that the server cant handle a few packets send by the client. I'm using the 7.0.3-SA-Client, also activated some of the SA-Features.
If you have a special-debug-sphere-version with debugflags set, i can test it for you and commit the error-log.
HOCOK (reporter)
17-01-10 18:44

p.s. Im using 6.0.x client
MrSugarCube (administrator)
25-01-10 08:57

This error sometimes appears when using the new EF_NetworkOutThread, can you check if you are using this?

If you're not using it, then can you reproduce the error on the latest automated build (internal version #1223+) and show the error? (please also include the "Experimental flags" line from your logs :))
HOCOK (reporter)
25-01-10 12:49

EF_NetworkOutThread ? I don't see it in sphere.ini

I'm using only 2 experimental flags, Unicode and New triggers.

And ok now will try to reproduce with 1223+
HOCOK (reporter)
25-01-10 13:25

ok, tested with r1223

Now crash is after 60 sec after start..

14:22:CRITICAL:Assert pri=2:'client != NULL' file '../network/network.cpp', line 1333, in NetworkIn::CheckForData() #114 "flush data"
Segmentation fault

No more info in logs.
wuffel (reporter)
25-01-10 18:26
edited on: 25-01-10 18:29

After a massiv login/logout session, i get this message once:
17:04:CRITICAL:Assert pri=2:'client != NULL' file '../network/network.cpp', line 1333, in NetworkIn::CheckForData() #19 "flush data"
But it dont crashed the server.
Experimental flags: NetworkOutThread

P.S. After switched to the newest revision, the item-build-up in item-crowded areas is much slower. Load is now at around 3%.

HOCOK (reporter)
29-01-10 12:45

MrSugarCube any fix ?
MrSugarCube (administrator)
29-01-10 13:46

Can you paste the "Experimental flags" line from your Sphere console/logs?

I expect the problem to occur in wuffel's case because he is using the NetworkOutThread flag (and there are one or two occassional stability issues that still need to be ironed out)
HOCOK (reporter)
29-01-10 14:23

What do you mean "Experemental flags" from console/logs ?

I only know it in sphere.ini

HOCOK (reporter)
29-01-10 18:31

How to enable it ? Sphere do not show flags in console logs
MrSugarCube (administrator)
29-01-10 19:40

Just after loading the world saves:

GC: xx Objects accounted for
Auto-complete dictionary loaded (contains 142 words).
Option flags: Buffs
Experimental flags: Unicode + NewTriggersEnable + UsePingServer <---,, Lang=English, TZ=0
Startup complete. items=x, chars=x
Press '?' for console commands
HOCOK (reporter)
29-01-10 19:53

Optional flags: CommandSysmessages +NoHouseMuteSpeech + FLoodProtection + Buffs
Experimental flags: Unicode + NewTriggersEnable

it's the same as in sphere.ini
HOCOK (reporter)
04-02-10 16:02

MrSugarCube , how can we give to you more info to fix this crash ?
wuffel (reporter)
07-02-10 21:12

Seems to be solved at linux-server. No further problems detected in the last week. But i have to say, that its no high-frequented server. So there are only a small bunch of logins a day.

P.S. Would be nice, if its possible to regulate the CPU-Load in sphere.ini. The 100%-Version was VERY fast. The current nightlys are much slower in Zones with many Items.
HOCOK (reporter)
07-02-10 21:19

Solved ? Where ? [^]
wuffel (reporter)
08-02-10 08:15

My Server dont crashes any more. The network-error appears, but no crash. So its not this bug anymore.
HOCOK (reporter)
08-02-10 10:20
edited on: 08-02-10 10:22

looks like crash is gone, except that error appears very often

14:22:CRITICAL:Assert pri=2:'client != NULL' file '../network/network.cpp', line 1333, in NetworkIn::CheckForData() #63 "flush data"

and some problems i found: Don't see any house, only "Worldgem bit"

MrSugarCube (administrator)
22-02-10 09:08

I still haven't found a way to reproduce this, can you please check that the problem still exists with the latest automated build? (internal version #1232+)
wuffel (reporter)
22-02-10 11:52

Experimental Flags: NetworkOutThread

10:50:10:Client connected [Total:2] ('XX.XX.XX.XXX' 1/1)
10:50:CRITICAL:Assert pri=2:'client != NULL' file '../network/network.cpp', line 1352, in NetworkIn::CheckForData() #23 "flush data"

No Crash. Server scales really good in crowded areas. CPU-Load > 5% :)
wuffel (reporter)
22-02-10 15:15

Experimental Flags: NetworkOutThread
Server still running. Error changed a little bit, so i post it again.

14:14:19:Client connected [Total:4] ('' 1/2)
14:14:CRITICAL:Assert pri=2:'client != NULL' file '../network/network.cpp', line 1352, in NetworkIn::CheckForData() #36 "flush data"
Coruja (developer)
22-02-10 20:22

I'm using WIN build 22/02. Its not the linux build, but the server got very unstable with this build. It freeze about 1min uptime. On some january builds the server crash, now with this build the server doesnt crash but remain freezed.
I dont know why this occour, but probably its a login problem on both win/linux builds, because I open the server (admin-only mode) and it works fine, but freeze when ppl start connect to the server (about 0001494:0000100 players connecting)
MrSugarCube (administrator)
01-03-10 11:13

Is there any change on the latest automated build? (internal version #1233+).

I've still not been able to reproduce any errors on Linux, but eventually managed to get an occasional error to appear in the Windows build which I'm hoping is related.
Coruja (developer)
02-03-10 06:24

Latest build continues very unstable and unusable on a live shard. I dont know, but this exception code help with something?

16:45:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
16:45:DEBUG:D> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
16:45:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() 0000003 "messages"
16:45:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______

NPCAI: extra, alwaysint, moveobstacles
Experimental: DiagonalWalkCheck, UNICODE, New_Triggers, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, UsePingServer
OptionFlags: Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix

MrSugarCube (administrator)
04-03-10 10:31

For the windows build, version #1234 might produce a more useful error if you want to try that.

I'm also interested in how well the Linux build runs too (trying to eliminate possible causes of the "flush data" error message).
gnomo (reporter)
05-03-10 18:31
edited on: 05-03-10 18:31

I tested the latest #1234 version (For Windows) and still the problem.

10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() #4 "messages - next client"
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
10:19:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______

NPCAI: extra, alwaysint, moveobstacles
Experimental: DiagonalWalkCheck, UNICODE, New_Triggers, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, UsePingServer
OptionFlags: Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix


wuffel (reporter)
14-03-10 19:47
edited on: 14-03-10 20:13

Login-Error with the actual sphere-nightly. its still only sometimes, and sphere can normally restart itself.

18:45:11:Client connected [Total:2] ('xx.xx.xx.xx' 1/2)
18:45:FATAL:Segmentation fault
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CGrayError'
18:45:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted
18:46:CRITICAL:'Main' thread hang, restarting...
18:46:ERROR:11:Bad Login 10 (Encryption error (packet length does not match what was expected))

Edit: Appears sometimes. Dunno if its a problem of the sphere, or the glib..
19:08:21:Client connected [Total:2] ('xx.xx.xx.xx' 1/1)
terminate called recursively
*** glibc detected *** ./spheresvr: free(): invalid pointer: 0x28c36000 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========

MrSugarCube (administrator)
16-03-10 10:48

Could someone check how well the latest automated build (internal version #1239) runs? I'm interested in both the Linux and Windows builds.

I've managed to fix up everything that I've been able to reproduce so far. If there's still a problem then switching UseAsyncNetwork off might make a difference.

I'm not too sure about the glibc error though.. if it's still present on the latest build then can you see if it always appears just after a client connects?

(I take it the "flush data" error message is no longer presenting itself?)
gnomo (reporter)
17-03-10 03:58

I tested the latest #1239 version (For Windows) and still the problem.

23:51:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
23:51:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
23:51:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() #5 "messages - check client"
23:51:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
23:51:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
23:51:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
23:51:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
23:51:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
23:51:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0

NPCAI: extra, alwaysint, moveobstacles
Experimental: DiagonalWalkCheck, UNICODE, New_Triggers, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, UsePingServer
OptionFlags: Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix

UseAsyncNetwork=1 <--
gnomo (reporter)
17-03-10 04:28

I tested the latest #1239 version (For Windows) and still the problem.

00:21:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
00:21:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
00:21:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() #5 "messages - check client"
00:21:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
00:21:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
00:21:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
00:21:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
00:21:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
00:21:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0

NPCAI: extra, alwaysint, moveobstacles
Experimental: DiagonalWalkCheck, UNICODE, New_Triggers, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, UsePingServer
OptionFlags: Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix

UseAsyncNetwork=0 <--
gnomo (reporter)
17-03-10 16:09

I tested the latest #1239 version (For Windows) and still the problem but shard not close.

12:02:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
12:02:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
12:02:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() #5 "messages - check client"
12:02:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
12:02:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0
12:02:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
12:02:DEBUG:>> 0 | CClient::IsConnecting | +0

NPCAI: extra, alwaysint, moveobstacles
Experimental: DiagonalWalkCheck, UNICODE, New_Triggers, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, UsePingServer
OptionFlags: Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix

UseAsyncNetwork=2 <--
gnomo (reporter)
24-03-10 17:15

I tested the latest 24.03.10 version (For Windows) and still the problem.

09:13:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
09:13:DEBUG:>> 0 | CClient::IsConnecting | +0
09:13:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::NetworkIn() #6 "messages - check client"
09:13:DEBUG:__ # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
09:13:DEBUG:>> 0 | CProfileData::Start | +0

NPCAI: extra, alwaysint, moveobstacles
Experimental: DiagonalWalkCheck, UNICODE, New_Triggers, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, UsePingServer
OptionFlags: Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, FileCommands, NoHouseMuteSpeech, Buffs, NoPrefix

UseAsyncNetwork=1 <--
MrSugarCube (administrator)
25-03-10 10:58

I'm not able to reproduce this at all. Could you try again with the 08000 flag added to your DebugFlags setting in sphere.ini? This will print out some debugging messages for networking which might help.

I think I need to see a bit more of the log as well rather than just the 'DEBUG' lines (it would be useful to see if this was after someone connected, disconnected, or a random occurance)

Also, what do you have your PROFILE setting set to? It might not be related but it could be worth seeing if there's any difference with it set to 0 if it's not already.
gnomo (reporter)
26-03-10 19:30

MrSugarCube pass me your e-mail that you send the completed logs.
HOCOK (reporter)
26-03-10 20:00

you can upload it to or and post links here.
gnomo (reporter)
26-03-10 23:58

I do not want to show the logs of my shard for all the world only for MrSugarCube.
MrSugarCube (administrator)
05-04-10 13:01
edited on: 05-04-10 15:58

Could someone please test this again with the latest automated build (internal build #1255+)? I'm interested in both the Windows and Linux builds.

MrSugarCube (administrator)
05-04-10 15:59
edited on: 05-04-10 16:44

Actually never mind that, I'd rather see some reports from the next automated build (internal build #1256+) since I might have actually just fixed something. :)

gnomo (reporter)
08-04-10 08:15

Now it's good. The only problem is the players are complaining of small locked during pvp. When freed spells ...
gnomo (reporter)
14-04-10 04:08

Lasted #r1261 version (For Windows)

22:40:DEBUG:__ thread (5892) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
22:40:DEBUG:>> 5892 | 0 | NetworkIn::tick | +0
22:40:DEBUG:>> 5892 | 1 | NetworkIn::checkForData | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
22:40:CRITICAL:Error Pri=2, Code=0xc0000005, Desc='Exception', in NetworkIn::CheckForData() #815 "cleaning queues"
22:40:DEBUG:__ thread (5892) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
22:40:DEBUG:>> 5892 | 0 | NetworkIn::tick | +0
22:40:DEBUG:>> 5892 | 1 | NetworkIn::checkForData | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
Incanus (reporter)
27-04-10 15:57

Using build #r1265 (windows) for three days now on a populated server (max 54 clients) and no problems so far
wuffel (reporter)
08-05-10 17:45
edited on: 08-05-10 17:46

Working with the last Nightly-linux-Build (#1276), still the crash at login:
Expflag: NetworkOutThread

15:40:0:Client connected [Total:1] ('' 1/1)
sphereNightly: ../common/libev/ev.c:2128: ev_io_start: Assertion `("ev_io_start called with negative fd", fd >= 0)' failed.
15:40:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted

Sometimes a few clients cant connect, cause they're still marked as connected,
without listing them in the client-list of the sphereserver-log.
Available Commands:
# = Immediate Save world (## to save both world and statics)
A = Accounts file update
B message = Broadcast a message
C = Clients List (1)
D = Dump data to external file (DA to dump areas)
E = Clear internal variables (like script profile)
G = Garbage collection
H = Hear all that is said (ON)
I = Information
L = Toggle log file (CLOSED)
P = Profile Info (ON) (P# to dump to profiler_dump.txt)
R = Resync Pause
S = Secure mode toggle (ON)
T = List of active Threads
X = immediate exit of the server (X# to save world and statics before exit)
Currently there are no clients online

Mirravin (reporter)
08-05-10 19:47
edited on: 08-05-10 20:01

Yes, I also have this problem on linux with EF_NetworkOutThread( and
UseAsyncNetwork > 0 (?)). Without EF_NetworkOutThread and with UseAsyncNetwork=2 it was only one time with SA client and after it I disable UseAsyncNetwork(not tested practically), but with EF_NetworkOutThread server crash on login very regularly(10-30%) with different clients(2.0.3,
Without EF_NetworkOutThread and with UseAsyncNetwork=0 I don't have this problem.
The similar problem was with EF_UseNetworkMulti flag in old versions(on linux too).

09:42:47:Client connected [Total:4] ('my_ip' 1/0)
spheresvr: ../common/libev/ev.c:2128: ev_io_start: Assertion `("ev_io_start called with negative fd", fd >= 0)' failed.
09:42:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted

Build: #1276

Mirravin (reporter)
09-05-10 06:22
edited on: 09-05-10 07:09

Have Tested this problem carefully.
I think it is NOT connected with EF_NetworkOutThread at all. With EF_NetworkOutThread active and UseAsyncNetwork=0 I didn't have crashes with > 30 login tries.

But with UseAsyncNetwork=1 and UseAsyncNetwork=2(with enabled or disabled EF_NetworkOutThread) I have sphere crashes on login very regularly, approximately in 10-30% cases.

Error in console is constant:
06:56:15:Client connected [Total:1] ('my_ip_here' 1/1)
spheresvr: ../common/libev/ev.c:2128: ev_io_start: Assertion `("ev_io_start called with negative fd", fd >= 0)' failed.
06:56:FATAL:Server Unstable: Aborted

Interesting moment is numbers 1/1(connections per IP ?). I may be 0/1, 1/0... :)

System: Linux.

Clients: 2.0.3,

Scripts: Default.

Ini: Practically default.
(To allow normal logins I need to change to real server IP, because with I can login only to server name(server choise), but in the end of test I have tried change IP to and also had crash.)

Build: #1276

MrSugarCube (administrator)
09-05-10 15:51

I believe I have found and corrected the cause of the "negative fd" error, which was caused by enabling AsyncNetwork on the Linux build. It should be fixed in tonight's automated build (version #1277), if someone could test this to confirm?

Also, my understanding is that there are no outstanding issues with the Windows build?
Mirravin (reporter)
10-05-10 03:32

Build: #1277. UseAsyncNetwork=2
It seems that I don't have problems with logins(Clients: 2.0.3, Thank you.
Mirravin (reporter)
28-05-10 19:42

00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0xf8) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0x5c) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0xf9) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0xa1) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0x53) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0x1e) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0x78) received.
00:44:WARNING:4b:Unknown game packet (0x53) received.
00:44:CRITICAL:Assert pri=2:'skill < COUNTOF(m_SkillLock)' file 'CCharNPC.cpp', line 249, in SUB: NetworkIn::Network::ProcessMessage() #0 ""
00:44:DEBUG:4b:Parsing Packet len=23 id=0x53 [2010/05/28 00:44:56]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 53 1e 78 53 13 ac b3 5b 03 bd a3 29 cf b1 3a c8 S.xS...[...)..:.
0010 ca 14 1d 87 fd 6e 99 .....n.

Sphere NOT crashed.

internal build #1277, Linux
EF_NetworkOutThread ON
Mirravin (reporter)
25-08-10 19:27
edited on: 25-08-10 19:41

Because you up it, I would like to specify situation.
Bug with sphere crash from Async Network is fixed in version #1277. Now Linux Build is complitely stable for me with 5-20 players.
Rarely(weak - month) I get FATAL and CRITICAL errors connected with network, but its NOT crash or harm the server(EF_NetworkOutThread ON).
Also two things, what is caused server crash for me is SERV.PRINTLISTS(always)(on Linux) and strange thing connected with using of TIMERF CLEAR(on Linux/Windows), this cases were in spring and I didn't checked it in new builds.

Mirravin (reporter)
01-09-10 07:58
edited on: 01-09-10 08:01

03:24:ed:Client disconnected [Total:8] ('IP1')
03:25:43:Client connected [Total:9] ('IP1' 1/0)
03:25:43:Login 'account'
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:FATAL:Error Pri=1, Code=11, Desc='Segmentation fault', in SUB: NetworkIn::Network::ProcessMessage() #0 ""
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=5 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=5 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=25 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 72 r..2.r..2.r..2.r
0010 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 ..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=15 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:FATAL:Segmentation fault
03:25:DEBUG:43:Parsing Packet len=10 id=0x72 [2010/09/01 03:25:25]
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
       -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 72 00 00 32 00 72 00 00 32 00 r..2.r..2.
03:25:WARNING:Disconnecting client from account 'account' since it is causing exceptions problems
03:25:A'account' was DISCONNECTed by 'Shard_Name'

internal build #1317

MrSugarCube (administrator)
06-09-10 01:02

I've fixed the above, I think.

I'm going to close this issue now since the original problem has been resolved. Every note added here is about a completely different issue to the last, and it's becoming too difficult to keep track of what is going on.

If there's anything outstanding from here (that can still be reproduced on the latest automated builds) then please open up separate issues so that they can be addressed properly.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
17-01-10 00:36 wuffel New Issue
17-01-10 00:36 wuffel Nightly Version => Not Available
17-01-10 00:36 wuffel Experimental Flags => None
17-01-10 00:36 wuffel Option Flags => Command_Sysmsgs, OSIMultiSight, NoItemNaming, Flood_Protection, Buffs, NoPrefix
17-01-10 16:46 HOCOK Note Added: 0000354
17-01-10 16:49 HOCOK Note Added: 0000355
17-01-10 16:49 HOCOK Note Added: 0000356
17-01-10 16:58 HOCOK Note Edited: 0000356
17-01-10 18:16 wuffel Note Added: 0000357
17-01-10 18:44 HOCOK Note Added: 0000358
25-01-10 08:57 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000360
25-01-10 12:49 HOCOK Note Added: 0000361
25-01-10 13:25 HOCOK Note Added: 0000362
25-01-10 18:26 wuffel Note Added: 0000363
25-01-10 18:29 wuffel Note Edited: 0000363
29-01-10 12:45 HOCOK Note Added: 0000368
29-01-10 13:46 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000369
29-01-10 14:23 HOCOK Note Added: 0000370
29-01-10 18:31 HOCOK Note Added: 0000371
29-01-10 19:40 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000372
29-01-10 19:53 HOCOK Note Added: 0000373
01-02-10 16:02 HOCOK Note Added: 0000378
04-02-10 00:24 zelore Note Added: 0000379
04-02-10 01:22 zelore Note Edited: 0000379
04-02-10 15:59 HOCOK Note Added: 0000380
04-02-10 16:02 HOCOK Note Added: 0000381
04-02-10 17:17 zelore Note Added: 0000382
04-02-10 17:27 HOCOK Note Added: 0000383
04-02-10 17:53 zelore Note Added: 0000384
07-02-10 21:12 wuffel Note Added: 0000385
07-02-10 21:19 HOCOK Note Added: 0000386
08-02-10 08:15 wuffel Note Added: 0000387
08-02-10 10:20 HOCOK Note Added: 0000388
08-02-10 10:22 HOCOK Note Edited: 0000388
20-02-10 16:32 MrSugarCube Relationship added has duplicate 0001721
20-02-10 16:34 MrSugarCube Note Deleted: 0000379
20-02-10 16:34 MrSugarCube Note Deleted: 0000380
20-02-10 16:34 MrSugarCube Note Deleted: 0000382
20-02-10 16:34 MrSugarCube Note Deleted: 0000384
20-02-10 16:34 MrSugarCube Note Deleted: 0000383
20-02-10 16:34 MrSugarCube Note Deleted: 0000378
22-02-10 09:08 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000393
22-02-10 11:52 wuffel Note Added: 0000394
22-02-10 15:15 wuffel Note Added: 0000395
22-02-10 20:22 Coruja Note Added: 0000396
01-03-10 11:13 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000397
02-03-10 06:24 Coruja Note Added: 0000398
04-03-10 10:31 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000399
05-03-10 18:31 gnomo Note Added: 0000400
05-03-10 18:31 gnomo Note Edited: 0000400
14-03-10 19:47 wuffel Note Added: 0000406
14-03-10 19:48 wuffel Note Edited: 0000406
14-03-10 20:09 wuffel Note Edited: 0000406
14-03-10 20:13 wuffel Note Edited: 0000406
16-03-10 10:09 MrSugarCube Relationship added parent of 0001731
16-03-10 10:10 MrSugarCube Relationship added related to 0001728
16-03-10 10:19 MrSugarCube Relationship added related to 0001723
16-03-10 10:48 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000412
17-03-10 03:58 gnomo Note Added: 0000413
17-03-10 04:28 gnomo Note Added: 0000414
17-03-10 16:09 gnomo Note Added: 0000415
24-03-10 17:15 gnomo Note Added: 0000420
25-03-10 10:58 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000421
26-03-10 19:30 gnomo Note Added: 0000422
26-03-10 20:00 HOCOK Note Added: 0000423
26-03-10 23:58 gnomo Note Added: 0000424
05-04-10 13:01 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000436
05-04-10 15:56 MrSugarCube Note Edited: 0000436
05-04-10 15:56 MrSugarCube Note Edited: 0000436
05-04-10 15:58 MrSugarCube Note Edited: 0000436
05-04-10 15:58 MrSugarCube Note Edited: 0000436
05-04-10 15:59 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000437
05-04-10 16:44 MrSugarCube Note Edited: 0000437
08-04-10 08:15 gnomo Note Added: 0000441
14-04-10 04:08 gnomo Note Added: 0000445
27-04-10 15:57 Incanus Note Added: 0000452
27-04-10 18:07 Incanus Issue Monitored: Incanus
08-05-10 17:45 wuffel Note Added: 0000462
08-05-10 17:46 wuffel Note Edited: 0000462
08-05-10 19:47 Mirravin Note Added: 0000463
08-05-10 19:49 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000463
08-05-10 20:00 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000463
08-05-10 20:01 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000463
09-05-10 06:22 Mirravin Note Added: 0000464
09-05-10 07:09 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000464
09-05-10 15:51 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000465
10-05-10 03:32 Mirravin Note Added: 0000466
28-05-10 19:42 Mirravin Note Added: 0000479
23-08-10 17:27 MrSugarCube Priority normal => high
25-08-10 19:27 Mirravin Note Added: 0000602
25-08-10 19:30 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000602
25-08-10 19:32 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000602
25-08-10 19:33 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000602
25-08-10 19:34 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000602
25-08-10 19:35 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000602
25-08-10 19:41 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000602
01-09-10 07:58 Mirravin Note Added: 0000608
01-09-10 08:00 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000608
01-09-10 08:01 Mirravin Note Edited: 0000608
06-09-10 01:02 MrSugarCube Status new => resolved
06-09-10 01:02 MrSugarCube Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
06-09-10 01:02 MrSugarCube Resolution open => fixed
06-09-10 01:02 MrSugarCube Assigned To => MrSugarCube
06-09-10 01:02 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000613
14-11-10 19:54 MrSugarCube Category executable - linux => executable - linux build

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