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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001739SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic28-04-10 22:2824-04-14 02:59
Assigned ToBen 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.56c Nightly 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001739: ">" in QVAL check is read as QVAL end
DescriptionExample: SERV.B <QVAL (3 > 5) 2 : 1>

Bug is very old, but tested in last version(internal build #1268) also.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionNot Available
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0001900resolvedXuN Skipping any control speech (including default spk_player) 

-  Notes
Mirravin (reporter)
28-04-10 22:29

SERV.B <QVAL (3 > 5) ? 2 : 1> :)
chup (reporter)
29-04-10 01:50

I don't know if this is a bug or not. But when i want to use QVAL for something like that I use something like this (example):

[FUNCTION checkqvall]
doswitch QVAL(<ARGS>,10,0,1,2)
SERV.LOG Less than <ARGS>
SERV.LOG Equal to <ARGS>
SERV.LOG Higher than <ARGS>

Works just fine.

From wiki:
QVAL(a, b, less_than, equal_to, greater_than)
Returns less_than if a is less than b, equal_to is a is equal to b, or greater_than if a is greater than b.
Mirravin (reporter)
29-04-10 10:40

There is 2 QVALs in wiki:
Intrinsic: QVAL(a, b, less_than, equal_to, greater_than
and classic function: QVAL expression? value_true:value_false
( [^] )
Ben (manager)
24-04-14 02:59

This is finally fixed!!!!

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
28-04-10 22:28 Mirravin New Issue
28-04-10 22:28 Mirravin Nightly Version => Not Available
28-04-10 22:28 Mirravin Experimental Flags => None
28-04-10 22:28 Mirravin Option Flags => None
28-04-10 22:29 Mirravin Note Added: 0000454
28-04-10 22:30 Mirravin Issue Monitored: Mirravin
28-04-10 22:30 Mirravin Issue End Monitor: Mirravin
29-04-10 01:50 chup Note Added: 0000455
29-04-10 10:40 Mirravin Note Added: 0000456
29-01-11 17:13 MrSugarCube Relationship added child of 0001900
29-01-11 17:14 MrSugarCube Relationship replaced related to 0001900
24-04-14 02:59 Ben Note Added: 0002091
24-04-14 02:59 Ben Status new => resolved
24-04-14 02:59 Ben Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
24-04-14 02:59 Ben Resolution open => fixed
24-04-14 02:59 Ben Assigned To => Ben

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