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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001900SphereServerexecutable - genericpublic28-01-11 17:5424-07-14 18:08
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0001900: Skipping any control speech (including default spk_player)
DescriptionYou can skip any sections speech check if the sentence begins with ()=
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number1402
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0001739resolvedBen ">" in QVAL check is read as QVAL end 

-  Notes
MrSugarCube (administrator)
29-01-11 14:04

Do you have an example?

Each of the following worked fine for me (in spk_player):

ON=*boo* // accepts "boo", "()=boo", "(boo)", "boo()="
    SYSMESSAGE You said *boo*!
    RETURN 2
ON=*boo // accepts "boo", "()=boo"
    SYSMESSAGE You said *boo!
    RETURN 2
ON=boo* // accepts "boo", "boo()="
    SYSMESSAGE You said boo*!
    RETURN 2
Terrikate (developer)
29-01-11 16:26

Sorry!. It is a failure of long ago and spoke from memory without remembering the exact failure ... The problem is the comparison with STRCMPI, STRCMP and STRMATCH. If you use the characters () = you skip the checks and fails on the console.


    IF !STRCMPI(<ARGS>,all come)
    ELSEIF !STRCMPI(<ARGS>,all stop)
    ELSEIF !STRCMPI(<ARGS>,navegacion)
        RETURN 1

16:11:ERROR:(sphere_speech.scp,54)Undefined symbol 'SDGG'
Terrikate (developer)
29-01-11 16:27

Affect any system that uses comparisons.

Another flaw is that the comparators allow the use of asterisks and question marks as wildcards, so if you put an * when you are asking for a 3 digit code will pass the test. Also if you put three characters of interrogations.
babidi (reporter)
23-03-11 09:01

can be a way to inject code this way?
XuN (developer)
23-07-14 19:47

Not happening me, can you still reproduce it?
XuN (developer)
24-07-14 18:08

Closed since there's no problem anymore.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
28-01-11 17:54 Terrikate New Issue
29-01-11 14:04 MrSugarCube Note Added: 0000880
29-01-11 16:26 Terrikate Note Added: 0000883
29-01-11 16:27 Terrikate Note Added: 0000884
29-01-11 17:13 MrSugarCube Relationship added parent of 0001739
29-01-11 17:14 MrSugarCube Relationship replaced related to 0001739
23-03-11 09:01 babidi Note Added: 0000974
23-07-14 19:47 XuN Note Added: 0002365
24-07-14 18:08 XuN Note Added: 0002367
24-07-14 18:08 XuN Status new => resolved
24-07-14 18:08 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
24-07-14 18:08 XuN Resolution open => fixed
24-07-14 18:08 XuN Assigned To => XuN

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