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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002322SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic26-04-14 02:5402-11-14 10:58
Assigned ToXuN 
PlatformWin32OSWindows ServerOS Version2012
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002322: Problem with networking
DescriptionSince the revision 0001893, I have network issues when players login to server. They can't do the first step or open backpack. I don't have this issue on Build 0001888. After few login/logout, they can login, but all animations are laggy. We are using client
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsDiagonalWalkCheck, Unicode, NewPositionChecks, WalkCheck, Size_Optimise
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number1893
Attached Files

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-  Notes
Kirofus (reporter)
26-04-14 02:54

Please note that I don't have this problem when I'm connected to localhost.
XuN (developer)
26-04-14 08:40
edited on: 26-04-14 08:40

Are you still using any network settings? Can't reproduce this on new build with this client and default ini settings and connecting from public ip.

XuN (developer)
26-04-14 10:01

nvm, I downloaded client instead of ^^. I'm on it.
XuN (developer)
26-04-14 11:26

Fixed it, I was sending one aditional WORD in the container's packet.
Kirofus (reporter)
26-04-14 15:55

What is the range of clients that may affect ? On the SVN, it say "older clients". If you send me a revised version of the SphereSvr.exe, I will test with a large range of version. I've done some test with client this morning and I was able to login, but after few step, my client freeze and I was needed to logout.

Here's the log with debug : [^]
XuN (developer)
26-04-14 21:12

Older means in this case Older than the ones with Grid View.
Kirofus (reporter)
27-04-14 06:49

Still have problem with the build 0001901. I've just started the new build and my character was stuck after apparing in-game. No stats, No clothes... I've closed my client and tried again, and it was OK the second time.
XuN (developer)
27-04-14 12:53

09:51:DEBUG:Reached maximum packet count limit for this tick (25/25). There's a ini setting for this, try increasing it a bit.
Kirofus (reporter)
28-04-14 02:13

Seems OK now. Great job.
Kirofus (reporter)
06-05-14 14:37

I still have problems sometime on first player login. I'm now at 75 of packet count limit per tick. Can I upgrade this value to 1000 to be sure that players are able to login at 100% ?
Kirofus (reporter)
08-05-14 13:06

This is what players see (Sometime) on the first login: [^]

Stats and Clothes missings and they can't move. Only the second logon is OK.
XuN (developer)
09-05-14 08:44

Something similar happened when client's packets changed around 7.0.33 and had to be fixed, what client versions and build are you using?
Kirofus (reporter)
09-05-14 12:55

Client and build 1912
XuN (developer)
09-05-14 16:48

What about increasing this ?:

// Maximum number of bytes to send per tick (also governs maximum size of outgoing packets)
Kirofus (reporter)
16-05-14 12:33
edited on: 16-05-14 17:45

I've upgraded the value to 128000 and no real change. But when I've upgrade the nightly build from yesterday, the situation was worst ! I've typed ".go green acres" and we have 2 houses with few items for animations (Like 50-80 items max and colored) and a NPC. I've got a lag of 20 seconds seeing all items appearing one by one. I've rollback to the release 0001912 and this is a little bit better.

Also, when I was coloring items the color was "flickering" on the gump before being applied. Also I have many debug message : "718:05:DEBUG:Noto_Add(Kirofus) for Kirofus ="

XuN (developer)
02-06-14 20:37

Any news?
Kirofus (reporter)
05-06-14 01:56

Still same problem (Tested few second ago with build 1948). But this is intermittent. Probably a memory leak or something like that because I was alone on the server and on the same local network... and I've tried to teleport few second ago to Green Acres and 10 seconds has passed until I see all items. I know that this region was in sleep mode, but I don't know if this help.
XuN (developer)
05-06-14 08:30

This is really interesting, can you test if this only happens when entering Sleeping sectors? That would be really helpfull!!
Kirofus (reporter)
05-06-14 13:12
edited on: 05-06-14 13:16

Who I can know if the sector was in sleep mode ? There is a command or a property about this ?

I've tried few seconds ago to logon in-game and teleport to Green acres, same problem. After, going back to a city, logoff and do the same process again in less than 10-15 second and I've got the same problem.

Here a video of what happening: [^]

You can take a look from 0:07 to 0:23.

After restarting the server (Sphere) and going back on the same place, the time for all items appear is really minor (3-5 sec max)

XuN (developer)
06-08-14 09:40

Forgot to reply anymore I asumed I did fix this, are you still having issues with this? I cannot replicate it.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
26-04-14 02:54 Kirofus New Issue
26-04-14 02:54 Kirofus Note Added: 0002108
26-04-14 08:40 XuN Note Added: 0002109
26-04-14 08:40 XuN Note Edited: 0002109 View Revisions
26-04-14 10:01 XuN Note Added: 0002110
26-04-14 11:26 XuN Note Added: 0002111
26-04-14 11:26 XuN Status new => resolved
26-04-14 11:26 XuN Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
26-04-14 11:26 XuN Resolution open => fixed
26-04-14 11:26 XuN Assigned To => XuN
26-04-14 15:55 Kirofus Note Added: 0002112
26-04-14 15:55 Kirofus Status resolved => feedback
26-04-14 15:55 Kirofus Resolution fixed => reopened
26-04-14 21:12 XuN Note Added: 0002116
27-04-14 06:49 Kirofus Note Added: 0002118
27-04-14 06:49 Kirofus Status feedback => assigned
27-04-14 12:53 XuN Note Added: 0002119
28-04-14 02:13 Kirofus Note Added: 0002120
28-04-14 08:35 XuN Status assigned => resolved
28-04-14 08:35 XuN Resolution reopened => fixed
06-05-14 14:37 Kirofus Note Added: 0002155
06-05-14 14:37 Kirofus Status resolved => feedback
06-05-14 14:37 Kirofus Resolution fixed => reopened
08-05-14 13:06 Kirofus Note Added: 0002162
08-05-14 13:06 Kirofus Status feedback => assigned
09-05-14 08:44 XuN Note Added: 0002164
09-05-14 12:55 Kirofus Note Added: 0002165
09-05-14 16:48 XuN Note Added: 0002166
16-05-14 12:33 Kirofus Note Added: 0002201
16-05-14 17:45 Kirofus Note Edited: 0002201 View Revisions
02-06-14 20:37 XuN Note Added: 0002263
05-06-14 01:56 Kirofus Note Added: 0002269
05-06-14 08:30 XuN Note Added: 0002271
05-06-14 13:12 Kirofus Note Added: 0002273
05-06-14 13:16 Kirofus Note Edited: 0002273 View Revisions
06-08-14 09:40 XuN Note Added: 0002386
02-11-14 10:58 XuN Status assigned => resolved
02-11-14 10:58 XuN Resolution reopened => fixed

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