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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002477SphereServerexecutable - windows buildpublic15-02-15 07:3526-02-15 00:55
Assigned ToBen 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.56c Nightly 
Summary0002477: The @Death and @Deathcorpse triggers are abnormal, if set ""PacketDeathAnimation=1"" in sphere.ini
Descriptionif set ""PacketDeathAnimation=0"" , then the @Death and @Deathcorpse triggers are ok, the functions can be called inside, e.g. SAY i die....

but if set "PacketDeathAnimation=1", then these two triggers are abnormal, the functions can NOT be called inside.
and in the game, when the char of player is died, it looks like the char is re-login, because sysmessage "Login confirm on servername, Welcome to Ultima Online" is shown.
TagsNo tags attached.
Nightly VersionAutomated (specify build number)
Experimental FlagsNone
Option FlagsNone
Internal Build Number
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-  Notes
Jim (reporter)
15-02-15 07:36

XuN (developer)
15-02-15 09:48

[events e_test]

serv.log @DeathCorpse trigger called on <name>, PacketDeathAnimation = <serv.PacketDeathAnimation>

serv.log @Death trigger called on <name>, PacketDeathAnimation = <serv.PacketDeathAnimation>

gives this in console:

09:47:Death trigger called on XuN, PacketDeathAnimation = 1
09:47:P'XuN' was killed by accident.
09:47:DeathCorpse trigger called on XuN, PacketDeathAnimation = 1

I wont bet for it but I guess you have something that causes conflict with this because it is working fine here with base script pack.
Jim (reporter)
15-02-15 10:53

but it will cause re-login, or looks like the char is re-login,
because sysmessage "Login confirm on servername, Welcome to Ultima Online" is shown.
and the paperdoll is closed.

and at the two triggers, can you try to call a function that will open a normal dialog? the dialog is not shown.
Ben (manager)
22-02-15 02:44
edited on: 22-02-15 02:51

I'm getting some weird and random reactions to this when enabled with any client above 4.0.4t(SE client) so far.

I know the resurrection packet was removed from UO at some point, but I don't know at which version number.

My only solution to this would be to not use it on newer clients...

Coruja (developer)
22-02-15 08:06

PacketDeathAnimation is the packet 02c, sphere send it only once to the client on death, but today I found something strange about send it twice in a row. The first packet is to tell to client that the player is dead, and the second one is to tell that the player will keep playing as ghost

so try simulate it sending the packet twice to see if it works

Ben (manager)
26-02-15 00:55

This will be fixed shortly...

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
15-02-15 07:35 Jim New Issue
15-02-15 07:36 Jim Note Added: 0002677
15-02-15 09:48 XuN Note Added: 0002678
15-02-15 10:53 Jim Note Added: 0002679
22-02-15 02:44 Ben Note Added: 0002693
22-02-15 02:51 Ben Note Edited: 0002693 View Revisions
22-02-15 08:06 Coruja Note Added: 0002697
26-02-15 00:55 Ben Note Added: 0002705
26-02-15 00:55 Ben Status new => resolved
26-02-15 00:55 Ben Fixed in Version => 0.56c Nightly
26-02-15 00:55 Ben Resolution open => fixed
26-02-15 00:55 Ben Assigned To => Ben

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