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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Ben)27-12-12NPCs with 10 or less in Taming skill, lose his skills after a world save
  0002122 [SphereServer]
new feature request
minornew15-12-12str replace function
executable - generic
minorresolved (Ben)24-11-12Cutting custom hide when always produce default Cut Leather Item
executable - windows build
crashresolved (Ben)11-11-12MAGICF_STACKSTATS = 0x0000010 Do main threads problem!
executable - windows build
crashresolved (Ben)28-10-12ERROR:File I/O "read" failed on .uop files
new feature request
minorresolved (Terrikate)17-10-12f_onaccount_create
   0001854 [SphereServer]
new feature request
featureresolved (Terrikate)17-10-12TAG to overwrite OF_NoHouseMuteSpeech
  0001987 [SphereServer]
new feature request
featureresolved (Terrikate)16-10-12Information about char delete
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Ben)07-10-12The EquippedCast=0 on sphere.ini Doesn't works. The weapon never unequip.
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Ben)06-10-12color and invisiblity
script pack
crashresolved (Ben)01-10-12Blacksmith Vendor Template creates server crash
executable - generic
majorresolved (Ben)22-09-12Security Issue: GMs can Access MYSQL Settings
executable - generic
trivialresolved (Terrikate)21-09-12Blood with timer -1
  0001542 [SphereServer]
new feature request
minorresolved (Terrikate)20-09-12CTAGCOUNT
executable - generic
minorresolved (Terrikate)20-09-12ATTACKER list contains self uid
  0001749 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
textresolved (Terrikate)17-09-12ERROR: Bad Login...
executable - generic
textresolved (Terrikate)17-09-12LastLogged message
executable - generic
majorresolved (Terrikate)17-09-12NPCs can't go through characters at all.
executable - generic
trivialresolved (Terrikate)17-09-12You can clear the ground of customizables houses, cell by cell
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Ben)16-09-12@Destroy for NPCs triggers twice
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Ben)06-09-12Earthquake, Meteor Swarm, Chain Lightning spell not work!
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Ben)06-09-12Summon spells bugs
executable - generic
minorresolved (Ben)31-08-12Monsters with High ID (>400) , no animations when attacking
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Ben)31-07-12.RESURRECT not work
script pack
minorresolved (ShiryuX)26-07-12Missing Doom Dungeon teleports
executable - generic
minorresolved (ShiryuX)01-07-12ADDMD5 with 16 characters limit
executable - windows build
minorresolved (MrSugarCube)04-05-12"Access Violation" (0xfc172bd), in CServer::Tick(
  0002052 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
majorresolved (ShiryuX)01-04-12Console Error
  0002040 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
featureresolved (MrSugarCube)26-03-12Changing the body and unequipping items
  0002036 [SphereServer]
script pack
minorresolved (ShiryuX)26-03-12Some additions for the script pack
  0002050 [SphereServer]
new feature request
featureresolved (ShiryuX)24-03-12two weight related options.
executable - windows build
minorresolved (ShiryuX)24-03-12newer versions remote console disconnection
script pack
minorresolved (ShiryuX)21-03-12Missing Ancient Citadel region (Ilshenar)
script pack
minorresolved (ShiryuX)14-03-12Despise dungeon with wrong level numbers
executable - windows build
minorresolved (ShiryuX)03-09-11Wrong viewing for Cunning buff icon
  0002028 [SphereServer]
script pack
minorresolved (ShiryuX)03-09-11sphere_item_misc_se.scp causing console error
executable - generic
minorresolved (ShiryuX)02-09-11SPELLFLAG_Scripted creates magic gold coin in the backpack
  0002006 [SphereServer]
script pack
minorresolved (ShiryuX)02-09-11clean sphere scripts problem
new feature request
featureresolved (ShiryuX)01-09-11default font and color
executable - windows build
minorresolved (ShiryuX)01-09-11using "new" items with LOCAL.CREATEOBJECT1 in Spell for Field Spells doesn´t work
executable - windows build
featureresolved (ShiryuX)31-08-11Disable CUO Status Request
  0002008 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
minorresolved (ShiryuX)06-08-11RANGEL and RANGEH
new feature request
executable - linux build
crashresolved (MrSugarCube)31-07-11Weird error: stack smashing detected
new feature request
featureresolved (ShiryuX)25-07-11Request - Turn to Door
executable - windows build
majorresolved (torfo)20-07-11Build numbers.
  0001981 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
minorresolved (ShiryuX)01-07-11SPELLFLAG_FIELD don't let cast on char
executable - windows build
blockresolved (MrSugarCube)21-06-11eval int -> tick
executable - linux build
minorresolved (MrSugarCube)20-06-1121:46:ERROR:(sphere_region.scp,65)Can't resolve <src.npc>
  0001965 [SphereServer]
executable - generic
majorresolved (MrSugarCube)19-06-11skf_immobile
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