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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  0002352 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)27-05-14[MAJOR] AttackingIsaCrime making criminal when attack another PK/crimina
executable - linux build
majorresolved (Ben)26-05-14Can not harm with magic
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Ben)22-05-14CREATE property using wrong values
executable - windows build
majorresolved (Ben)20-05-14Corpse Crash!
  0002336 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)14-05-14Attackingisacrime=1 BUG
executable - generic
majorresolved (Ben)13-05-14"all follow" act like "all kill"
new feature request
majorresolved (XuN)10-05-14AttackingIsAggressor for sphere.ini
  0002333 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)10-05-14NPC frozen when using return 1 on @CombatStart / @CombatAdd
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)10-05-14guards doesnt working anymore
new feature request
featureresolved (XuN)09-05-14MonsterRed ini option?
executable - windows build
tweakresolved (XuN)09-05-14Stroke timing on craft skills
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)09-05-14@[Fame/Karma]Change is called even when there's no value to change
new feature request
minorresolved (Ben)09-05-14New Triggers @Buffed/@Debuffed or whatever you'd like to call them
new feature request
minorresolved (XuN)08-05-14New .ini setting to change individual criminal timer (memory_harmedby)
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)07-05-14ATTACKER.ID doesn't return -1 when it's false
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)07-05-14RANGE property not working on weapons on latest builds
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Feeh)07-05-14Missing dye tub sound
executable - windows build
minornew03-05-14@spellselect triggered twice?
executable - generic
majorresolved (ShiryuX)03-05-14Problem about walk protection system (walkbuffer)
new feature request
featureresolved (XuN)30-04-14Attacker. functionality
executable - windows build
trivialresolved (XuN)26-04-14The new doors don't open
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)26-04-14Exception on anim on trigger e_undead
  0002321 [SphereServer]
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)26-04-14Problem on NPC AI
executable - windows build
crashresolved (XuN)25-04-14Infinite loop when summoning a monster
executable - windows build
crashresolved (XuN)25-04-14MAJOR CRASH
executable - generic
minorresolved (Ben)24-04-14">" in QVAL check is read as QVAL end
executable - windows build
blockresolved (XuN)24-04-14Multiple spawn on npc char creating
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)23-04-14thread 'Main' to terminate...
script pack
minorresolved (XuN)23-04-14New CanUse in scripts
script pack
minorresolved (XuN)23-04-14sphere_map5.scp has errors on load
new feature request
featureresolved (XuN)23-04-14Flag for activate/deactivate the new weapon swing system
executable - generic
featureresolved (Ben)23-04-14Qoutation mark's cause huge problems in the scripting language
new feature request
featureresolved (Ben)22-04-14Cliloc usable on names
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)22-04-14f_onchar_delete not called on char delete
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Ben)22-04-14TYPEDEF t_light_lit not decaying
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)21-04-14CAN does not work on chars anymore
executable - generic
minorresolved (Ben)21-04-14memory_aggreived doesnt getting created
executable - generic
minorresolved (Ben)19-04-14TAG.OVERRIDE.RANGE doesn´t work on item
executable - windows build
minorresolved (XuN)19-04-14DYE property not working properly
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)19-04-14TwoHand Weapons Animation Issue
executable - windows build
majorresolved (XuN)19-04-14Gargoyle Animation Problem
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Avatar)14-04-14SPELLFLAG_HARM on summon spells doesn't make the caster criminal
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Feeh)13-04-14Timing problem on f_onserver_save
executable - generic
minorresolved (Feeh)13-04-14Npc Train
script pack
minorresolved (Ben)29-03-14Small problems on sphere_mapX.scp
script pack
minorresolved (Ben)29-03-14Hythloth entrance teleport inacessible when MountHeight=1
executable - generic
majorresolved (Ben)29-03-14Description of MAPx setting on sphere.ini
executable - windows build
majorresolved (matex)29-03-14MAXFOOD incorrectly got changed when FOOD is changed
executable - windows build
minorresolved (Ben)28-03-14QUALITY has been removed for some item type.
executable - windows build
majorresolved (matex)27-03-14Division problem in 0.56c
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